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coldfront.net IRC blocked (today)

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I've been connecting to a irc.coldfront.net server for the last couple of days and it seems that today the Luxembourg server got blocked because someone is apparently using the VPN as a TOR exit node. This is what I get


Closing Link: [::ffff:] Z:Lined (Z-lined: Tor exit server detected. Please visit http://www.sectoor.de/tor.php?ip= for more information.)


I already e-mailed the administrator of sectoor.de a few minutes ago and I'm awaiting a response for now..

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That's exactly why me and others here have argued against running exits through AirVPN, see here:




What are you trying to achieve by contacting sectoor.de?

sectoor.de provides a Tor block list and indeed, very recently there has been an exit node running on the IP

see here:


all of my content is released under CC-BY-SA 2.0

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