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ANSWERED tunnel special programs

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hello everyone,


i used this awesome guide



it works perfect but i have a question, is it possible to force other programs to use the vpn gateway instead of my default non vpn gateway ?

utorrent has a setting to bind to the airvpn ip and it works wonderfull, but i have another program that does not give me an option to define the gateway or interface.

with the setup of the guide given is there a easy way to force this program to the vpn gateway ?


thanks for the help,



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When the program does not have a bind option the matter gets more complex.


ForceBindIP (a program that through injections forces other programs to bind to an interface or an IP address) would be a solution, but it does not work properly on newest Windows 64 bit versions.


In order to evaluate the best approach (if possible), can you please tell us your Windows version and which program you would need to be "un-tunneled"?


Kind regards

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I am glad you found the guide useful.


I guess you set up a bat file to make the routing changes for this enhancement you have made? So you have the VPN gateway address in these? Then when you change servers, you will have to change this. If you end up with VPN addresses all over the place, changing servers can become a nuisance.


If you are willing to go even further down the techie road, then you may want to do (all or part of) what I do in order to always "see" the same VPN IP addresses:




I am afraid that post is not quite as thorough at explaining as the guide you read.

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I am glad you found the guide useful.


I guess you set up a bat file to make the routing changes for this enhancement you have made? So you have the VPN gateway address in these? Then when you change servers, you will have to change this. If you end up with VPN addresses all over the place, changing servers can become a nuisance.


yes i used bat files like the ones you made, with the airvpn gateway i use.


If you are willing to go even further down the techie road, then you may want to do (all or part of) what I do in order to always "see" the same VPN IP addresses:




I am afraid that post is not quite as thorough at explaining as the guide you read.


i learned some networking stuff a few years ago but sadly it is not that much left but it is a good reason to refresh that knowledge and learn some new things.


but one question Nadre if you noticed the same, i used http://www.checkmytorrentip.com to see my torrent ip and after adding the routes


route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%


it showed me my real IP i wanted to hide, it happens with utorrent and with vuze. i bound the right IP/interface with both clients, so i am not sure at the moment how the tracker recognizes the real IP.


best regards

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but one question Nadre if you noticed the same, i used http://www.checkmytorrentip.com to see my torrent ip and after adding the routes


route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%


it showed me my real IP i wanted to hide, it happens with utorrent and with vuze. i bound the right IP/interface with both clients, so i am not sure at the moment how the tracker recognizes the real IP.



I just checked this myself to make sure, and it sees my VPN exit point as my IP address.


Are you sure that you configured uTorrent to use the correct (VPN) IP address?


Did you firewall uTorrent from using the real gateway? Firewall it first, and test (see below) without the VPN running, before going further. Make sure that nothing gets out while the VPN is down. This way you can to be sure that if it is managing to connect to the outside when the VPN is up, it can only be through the VPN.


Did you try downloading ubuntu and watching with Process Explorer (as suggested) to see what connections uTorrent is making? What does the AirVPN "Client Area" say while you are downloading ubuntu?

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but one question Nadre if you noticed the same, i used http://www.checkmytorrentip.com to see my torrent ip and after adding the routes


route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%

route add mask %GATEWAY%


it showed me my real IP i wanted to hide, it happens with utorrent and with vuze. i bound the right IP/interface with both clients, so i am not sure at the moment how the tracker recognizes the real IP.



I just checked this myself to make sure, and it sees my VPN exit point as my IP address.


Are you sure that you configured uTorrent to use the correct (VPN) IP address?

yes i double checked it


Did you firewall uTorrent from using the real gateway? Firewall it first, and test (see below) without the VPN running, before going further. Make sure that nothing gets out while the VPN is down. This way you can to be sure that if it is managing to connect to the outside when the VPN is up, it can only be through the VPN.

everything is set up and it works, the moment i disconnect the vpn it stops transfering data.


Did you try downloading ubuntu and watching with Process Explorer (as suggested) to see what connections uTorrent is making? What does the AirVPN "Client Area" say while you are downloading ubuntu?


yes the remote connections of utorrent connect with my vpn ip, it is really strange. i am pretty sure it is somewhere some minor detail i did wrong but at the moment i dont get it.


but it is not a big problem, i changed to using vpn for everything and only route some games and stuff i wanted to have the best latency to my real gateway. it works fine, of course it takes a few minutes to make new routes but i am happy with it. i use the bat files with this routes in my autostart folder, so after they are setup it work automatically.


thanks for the help NaDre and AirVPN Staff

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It's very puzzling. There is a key information missing, and source-code-closeness does not help, that is how uTorrent IP binding works? If uTorrent is firewalled, how come that the checkmytorrentip tracker gets the ISP IPv4 address of superameise's device? If everything stated is true, the only explanation that comes to mind is that uTorrent announces to the tracker the ISP IP address, but how? We know that this can happen when connecting uTorrent to a proxy (https://blog.torproject.org/blog/bittorrent-over-tor-isnt-good-idea) but this situation seems completely different.

First of all, however, it would be important to replicate the problem. Without certain reproducibility under controlled conditions, it's problematic even to contact uTorrent community.

Just an additional information, does your ISP IP address is diplayed in any of your network cards (if in doubt type ipconfig /all from a command prompt), or is the system which runs uTorent behind a router NAT? Also, can you please check carefully if there's any value into the "IP/Hostname to report to tracker" uTorrent field?

Kind regards


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If everything stated is true, the only explanation that comes to mind is that uTorrent announces to the tracker the ISP IP address, but how?



The first question would be: How would uTorrent find out the external IP address? Does UPnP allow uTorrent to ask the router for the external IP address? I do not know. I would have to look at the protocol documents. And would all routers implement it? In my setup UPnP has been disabled both in uTorrent and also in the router. Perhaps superameise could check this?




Silly me. It could just ignore the binding of course. Nothing else occurs to me right now.




I suppose there could be an issue with the release of uTorrent superameise is using. I am using release 2.2.1. A lot of people feel that this was the last stable release of uTorrent. There are a few problems that many people have reported with later releases that uTorrent support will not even acknowledge. I gave up on later uTorrent releases after experiencing too many problems and too much frustration with the attitude of the support people.




What release of uTorrent are you using?





Silly me. It could just ignore the binding of course. Nothing else occurs to me right now.



I should have added that uTorrent would have to be finding a way around the firewall.


As staff said, without being able to recreate this, there is not much that can be done. If uTorrent is somehow getting around the firewall, then perhaps one could try having uTorrent use a fixed port for outgoing traffic (there is an option for this), and then block outgoing traffic based on the port number too.





The first question would be: How would uTorrent find out the external IP address? Does UPnP allow uTorrent to ask the router for the external IP address?



Apparently UPnP can be used to query the external IP address. Microsoft provides a sample VBScript for this:




I have not tried this.


I wonder if it can get past a firewall block. At first glance it seems to use SOAP, and so HTTP. So I would hope not. But I have to wonder if a program such could escape the block briefly by invoking a VBScript internally? What program would have to be blocked to block a VBScript?





I wonder if it can get past a firewall block. At first glance it seems to use SOAP, and so HTTP. So I would hope not.



Again, silly me. If the firewall does not block access to the HTTP GUI for the router, then I would think that it is not blocking any HTTP access to the router.


If I was younger, more energetic, and more curious, I might explore this. But I will probably just content myself with having disabled UPnP in my router.

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