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ANSWERED Can't connect to internet without using AirVPN

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When I disconnect from AirVPN, I can't connect to the internet.

I am using macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 with AirVPN version 2.13.6

I have tried setting Network Lock to 'None' and to 'OS X - PF' but neither has allowed me to connect to the internet unless I am connected to AirVPN.


How can I go about fixing this?


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Could be a DNS server issue. IIRC, go in the APPLE menu to System Preferences > Network. Choose your network connection service, go to Advanced (I think you have to "Click the lock to make changes" first before you can enter Advanced) and then DNS (it's been awhile that I used macOS, so I might have missed a step).


If there is an entry, delete it and try again.


Or you might have to add a DNS Server that works in any case, like the Google address or Cloudflare's new DNS service


Though this could very well interfere with the privacy you intent to gain by using AIRVPN. But this is about testing possible causes, so ..


I don't know if you have to restart your Mac.

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Thank you! By following your instructions I am now able to connect to the internet while disconnected from AirVPN.


As you eluded to, for privacy purposes, is there a way to connect without using any DNS whatsoever?

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If you were somehow able to disable DNS, browsing anything on the internet would be painful. Do you know every servers numeric IP? Cause thats how you'll have to use your browser without a DNS server. Good old www.airvpn.org wouldn't work. You would have to use the actual IP address to get to it.

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