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Hello all,


I am not an IT expert at all and honestly I'm confused in terminology related to vpns.


I live in Germany and soon moving to China. I would like to take with me a router and get a good VPN and hopefully setup the routeur There to have it always connected to this vpn.


I don't know the names or terminology about what to do to reach this result.


1) does most of recent routers can do that ? (Asus for example ?). Maybe I need to upload a file to the router from the VPN supplier.


2) which vpn could work ? Airvpn? Cyberghost? Torguard ?


I plan to do all the setup here in Germany before leaving cause all is so much more complicated in China (tell me about getting an Android phone there during my last trip and get the google play store to work, was horrible !).


If any of you know a combination router + VPN with a good tutorial how to set it up.. I'd be very appreciative!!


Thanks in advance !

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Option I: You can use Eddie client (i think ssl or ssh should work)

Option II: A router that is able to handle such protocols plus powerful enough for your line



Im curious, why you move to such a country about you are so concerned with? They will consider you "Enemy of the people", if you dont play within their rules, just like in Germany when not paying your TV fees ..... lol

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Suggestions are below:


Your best bet is to speak to people or expats who live in China. (I am not that person)


Learn what "vpn obfuscation" is


ssl or ssh can obfuscate your vpn usage but if the end point is blocked (which is the case a lot of the times when it comes to vpn servers) then it doesn't matter


Investigate shadowsocks and setting up your own vps (you may need some help from IT inclined folk) since you can delete and create a new vps if your IP becomes stale


There are some VPN companies that work in better in China than others





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There is quite a bit more of recent experience and tips here:



Of note is:

jmuz writes...

I suspect Express only works because they grant the Govt a backdoor to monitor.

I suspect that as well.

It's quite suspicious that only Express VPN works reliably when others are constantly down

which might be ok depending on what you are doing.


Leave your Windows computer running here while you're in China, and use Remote Desktop to access it. It's an encrypted connection to an IP address China won't have on its banned list.

seems rather simple, Linux can also do remote XTerminal.


The GFW (great fire wall) has a way to sniff the traffic signature and single out the suspecious IPs. And those will be probed with fake connection requests. If it proves to be VPN then the IP will be black listed for a period of time,

Why AirVPN SSL:443 outer tunnel might assist, but still problems with IP address blacklists.

This technique might interfere with a private VPN/VPS.


The Great Firewall is for Chinese citizens, expats are "collateral damage" unless doing "bad things", and I have seen in other forums that if your phone, internet connection etc are registered against your (German) company then there is less disruption.


Onward with the guerrilla struggle for People's Global Cyberspace.

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1) I have an Asus router and you do need to upload configuration files.  Simple way is to go to the Config Generator, make the selections, download the .ovpn files to your computer, and then upload them to the router.  There are tutorials here that take you through step by step.


One note: being in China you will need the servers' IP addresses in the .ovpn files.  There is an option in the Config Generator, resolve hosts in the .ovpn files, to do this.  If you don't do this you will not be able to connect to the server from the router.  This is also true for devices, such as phones, etc.  The Eddie client will work if you choose an SSL connection. Not sure about SSH because I never tried it.


2) AirVPN works, at least where I am.  Whether one works or not, and how well it works, depends on where you are.  For example, ExpressVPN worked when I tried it, but it was extremely slow.  I tried the one my brother uses.  It works for him in other areas of China, but not where I am.  Sorry, but I don't remember which one it was.


Another note: the airvpn.org website is blocked if you use a non-vpn connection.  airvpn.info is not currently blocked.


One last note: my bank will not allow me to use a VPN to login to their website.  I don't know if other banks have a similar restriction. 

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