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Five simultaneous connections per account

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We're glad to inform you that, from now on, every account can establish up to five simultaneous connections to AirVPN servers. As usual, no restrictions will be applied on IP addresses.

No price increase has been planned for this new feature.

We're confident that allowing 5 connections per account at the very same price will meet and even exceed the expectations of our customers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Kind regards & datalove
AirVPN Staff

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this is great. you guys make the decision to renew for another year easy.

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This is excellent news, and long long time overdue; it's no secret people share VPN accounts (added security that way too), and many people have loads of devices (smartphones/tablets, VM's, IoT). This also firmly places Air in the same league as PIA which has 5, and quite frankly, certainly makes air favourable.


As someone who has been struggling with 3 over the last few weeks, thank god for this. 


Thanks to whoever made this happen, great news just before black friday

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That's incredible! That must mean things are going exceedingly well.


But then I must ask: how did you do this, Staff and are there any interesting and juicy technical details to share? I assume it didn't come at the cost of privacy in any sense of the word for instance.


It also feels like it was only yesterday you said 3 connections was already extremely generous.


How fast things change.


Now you're forcing me to edit my guide, tsk

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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Thanks a tonne. Really feels nice to have one's faith/loyalty rewarded Another posted asked for more details on what made this change possible. Even I am interested in hearing more.

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That's incredible! That must mean things are going exceedingly well.




Indeed they are.


But then I must ask: how did you do this, Staff and are there any interesting and juicy technical details to share? I assume it didn't come at the cost of privacy in any sense of the word for instance.


Obviously there is no privacy concern because the conditions stay the same for every account. Under a technical point of view a counter containing "3" has been set to "5". More or less. :)




Indeed they were. Now, you need to consider that with this shift from 3 to 5 s.c. we did not modify our bandwidth allocation guarantee, which remains "per account", and NOT "per connection slot".


Also, it was time to sacrifice some redundancy, because we have been having too much unused redundancy for years. Probably it's not wise anymore to keep such high redundancy in the current world market. During the last year or two, our community has sent us a clear message according to which the amount of simultaneous connections is more appreciated than a huge redundancy which comes handy very rarely. In this way we can at the same time meet the demands of our community, become even stronger against the competition, and anyway keep a fairly decent redundancy.


Kind regards

AirVPN Staff

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That's incredible! That must mean things are going exceedingly well.




Indeed they are.


But then I must ask: how did you do this, Staff and are there any interesting and juicy technical details to share? I assume it didn't come at the cost of privacy in any sense of the word for instance.


Obviously there is no privacy concern because the conditions stay the same for every account. Under a technical point of view a counter containing "3" has been set to "5". More or less. :)




Indeed they were. Now, you need to consider that with this shift from 3 to 5 s.c. we did not modify our bandwidth allocation guarantee, which remains "per account", and NOT "per connection slot".


Also, it was time to sacrifice some redundancy, because we have been having too much unused redundancy for years. Probably it's not wise anymore to keep such high redundancy in the current world market. During the last year or two, our community has sent us a clear message according to which the amount of simultaneous connections is more appreciated than a huge redundancy which comes handy very rarely. In this way we can at the same time meet the demands of our community, become even stronger against the competition, and anyway keep a fairly decent redundancy.


Kind regards

AirVPN Staff

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