flimflamman72 0 Posted ... While torrenting I get repeated disconnects, I get maybe one minute of actually being able to download a file then my connection drops. This keeps happening repeatedly. Any suggestions? A similar issue happened while using TorGuard so I'm not sure it's an airvpn issue. I use qbitorrent to dl torrents. Eddie_20171010_214936.txt Share this post Link to post
asunder52 1 Posted ... I have a similar issue to OP, however it only affects wifi.. Running Debian 9.2, with Deluge version 1.3..13 and Eddie client version 2.13.6 Torrent is running on a wired machine with Eddie connected as soon as the torrent starts to download the wifi will drop out every few minutes whilst the torrent downloads (network/internet connections never drop on any other wired machine on the network), as soon as torrent is finished, wifi stabilises, which is just bizarre i can't fathom why a wired machine would affect the wireless. This only happens if the server is using Eddie, if i do the same thing without vpn no issues. If this should be in a new topic/thread let me know. Thanks. Share this post Link to post
OpenSourcerer 1461 Posted ... Disable uTP.If this doesn't help, check for "UDP flood control"-type protection settings in the router. Some antivirus softwares do this as well. 1 asunder52 reacted to this Hide OpenSourcerer's signature Hide all signatures NOT AN AIRVPN TEAM MEMBER. USE TICKETS FOR PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT. LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too! Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page. Share this post Link to post
asunder52 1 Posted ... Disable uTP. Thanks this seems to have done the trick, for anyone else coming across this thread the uTP option in Deluge isn't visible by default you will need to add the plugin: ITconfig and then deselect/disable the following two options: enable_incoming_utp enable_outgoing_utp Share this post Link to post