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Airvpn client Eddie 2.11 (Beta) won't start minimized Windows 10 x64

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I've installed the Eddie client 2.11 Beta in Windows 10 x64.

Everything is working fine so far, but I want the client to be minimized at system startup.

I've checked the boxes "start with windows", "start minimized" and minimize in tray icon", but the client screen still pops up when the client starts.


- I've also tried to add a shortcut to open the client minimized to the startup folder (and run folder registry entry), but then i'll get the uac to ask permission everytime.

- I've tried to edit the task in task scheduler (because a task can have highest permissions, so it won't trigger the uac) to open up a shortcut (minimized) to airvpn.

In this case it automatically skips the link and refers straight to the airvpn.exe file. I tried to avoid this by linking to the .lnk file, but when i execute the task it will ask me wich program to use to open the shortcut.

- I've tried to use a cmd.exe /c start /min "file location" command in a task, but it will only open the command prompt without any further actions.


I'm wondering if nobody else has this problem or doesn't anyone care about the client screen at system start up?


i've actually installed the beta client just for that purpose, because i've read in a different thread that this version has the minimized option, but clearly it doesn't work in my windows 10 x64..


Hope somebody has a solution or workaround.



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I had a similar problem, the workaround is to install AirVPN in the "C:\Program Files (x86)" folder, it will work like a charm

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I have good news for you, first the easy work around with a simple text file with the .vbs extension. And after that the complicated solution ;-)


* Go to your drive like C:

* Create an empty file named 'C:\EddieInvisible.vbs' and open it with NOTEPAD.EXE

* Put code below in that .vbs (visual basic script)

* Save your changes with NOTEPAD.EXE

* Ready !

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute "C:\Program Files\AirVPN\AirVPN.exe", "", "C:\Program Files\AirVPN", "open", 0

REM    Syntax
REM          .ShellExecute "application", "parameters", "dir", "verb", window
REM          .ShellExecute 'some program.exe', '"some parameters with spaces"', , "runas", 1
REM    Key
REM       application   The file to execute (required)
REM       parameters    Arguments for the executable
REM       dir           Working directory
REM       verb          The operation to execute (runas/open/edit/print)
REM       window        View mode application window (normal=1, hide=0, 2=Min,
REM                         3=max, 4=restore, 5=current, 
REM                         7=min/inactive, 10=default)

Make sure before you execute this .vbs file from command line shell or explorer that no instance of Eddie is running. Also note that the taskbar icon does appear but you cannot see Eddie. However Eddie thinks it is visible so in the systray icon you first have to click 'Hide Window' (although  Eddie is already hidden.) and then again click on the systray icon which now says 'Show Window'.


It really works, I tested it myself, you need to configure Eddie to be allowed to auto connect, optional auto network lock, and probably you don't want to see the Eddie exit confirmation too. Which are all options in Eddie its configuration. However, you are now 1 step further only, it is still upto you to run this tiny .vbs script you created with ADMIN rights with a scheduled task like you mentioned you already know how to do that. The 0 at the end of the ShellExecute command must be turned into a 1 if you want to see Eddie.


And now the complicated but less versatile way ;-)


You already know how to create a admin priveledged task via taskscheduler. However, you would need the SW_HIDE option in a simple C or C++ program to inbetween execute the Eddie Client as long as it has this feature not build in yet.


In my case Eddie starts minimized if I exited it from the trayicon from a right click popupmenu. If I show Eddie Client and use the Close Button from the Eddie Window, Eddie will show as a full Window on next startup.


Eddie apparently knows what it last state was. However if you install a simple compiler, well very complicated actually, like MINGW and follow a simple study into C++ programming, use the following function.


HINSTANCE ShellExecute(  _In_opt_ HWND    hwnd,  _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpOperation,  _In_     LPCTSTR lpFile,  _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpParameters,  _In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpDirectory,  _In_     INT     nShowCmd);

Where for the nShowCmd you use SW_HIDE


Example in C++


int CALLBACK WinMain(  _In_ HINSTANCE hInstance,  _In_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,  _In_ LPSTR     lpCmdLine,  _In_ int       nCmdShow){ ShellExecute(NULL,NULL,"C:\Program Files\AirVPN\AirVPN.exe",NULL,"C:\Program Files\AirVPN",SW_HIDE); return 0;}

It would be a very tiny C++ program ;-) But Eddie should perhaps never need a C++ program to tweak it to special needs.

The SW_HIDE tells the executable AirVPN.exe before it is even created to not show it self.


But I like Eddie how it works, I do it manually every time, since I don't reboot that many times. But sure it is possible, and even if you never developed you would understand what ShellExecute command does with the option SW_HIDE


And still the trayicon would be in the taskbar trayicon area sure, since that is another API the Eddie Client uses to communicate with the Taskbar from Explorer.exe


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