Looks like AirVPN service is growing without compromising "our" :-) mission statement. I do not have a breakdown of locations but figure the growth is primarily Europe and North America. Unfortunate we struggle to provide connectivity from the Far East but it is nice to see AirVPN try. Hopefully we'll have some in the southern hemisphere but I wouldn't hold my breath. Many servers were pulled from my geographic area in the past year but the service is still excellent and it is comforting to know a small group of people remain advocates for Net Neutrality. 2013-10-26 (Sat) 22:55 UTC Earth 8046 / 33300 Mbit/s Users online 2513 Servers available 45 Best: nl Dorsum =============================== 2015-10-18 (Sun) 17:05 UTC Earth 19424 / 96800 Mbit/s Users online 6946 Servers available 104 Best: nl Diphda