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Found 3 results

  1. I urge everyone who can to change or add an open WiFi SSID (2.4GHz preferably for longer range) called openwireless.org. It seems everywhere I go there are so many WiFi networks but none of them are open except for the occasional ISP advertised one that requires a login. I disabled mine. Hey, if I'm advertising them then I want some kickbacks for people connecting to that network and maybe since they're probably tracking or able to track MAC addresses then if someone opens an account after using my network then I should get a tiny bit of referral money, no? lol. I'll keep dreaming. Here's a copy+paste from the site. Has anyone else done this? Will you? Why or why not? Also, you could bridge another router to handle this. Maybe even set it up so that everyone's using Tor and/or a VPN this way your ISP doesn't bug you if someone does something they don't like. You could also set bandwidth throttling etc. Using Open-WRT, Tomato, pfSense, etc is for another thread but would be interesting to discuss.
  2. Hi there, I just had a question about Network Lock. I turned it on when I use torrents and to make myself more secure / private. However, I also have some public shared folders on this computer with my local network. This is so my Roku/WDTV Live can grab movie / TV show files and play it on the television in the other room. It seems when Network Lock is enabled, the Advanced Sharing settings for the network on Windows 8 automatically turns OFF the Network Discover and File sharing buttons. When I enable then and click save, then go back into the settings they are turned off again - this is when AirVPN is running and Network Lock is turned ON. So it makes the devices in the other rooms unable to find the files on this computer using the local network when I am using the VPN. I was wondering if it possible to somehow make the local network files accessible to other computers when AirVPN is running with the Network Lock enabled? Right now through AirVPN it doesn't seem to be possible, i'm wondering if there is a work around available? Or could the local network settings be loosened up slightly in future AirVPN versions? I'm assuming local network sharing won't impact identity on the internet when using the VPN? Thanks for the help,
  3. Hi all, I've been using AirVPN for some time now and I'm pretty pleased with its speed and functionality. I'm trying to get the program to work on my SurfaceRt, but no luck so far. I thought as a work around I could transform my windows8 laptop (connected to the internet using airvpn) to a WiFi hotspot, connecting my surface and voila! However, if I'm checking my IP address on my surface using the wifihotspot, it still shows the ip issued by my isp. Is there something i'm doing wrong? If this is not supposed to work this way, any suggestions on using airvpn on my surface rt? Thanks in advance!
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