Hi guys! I'm currently using the 3 day paid package and tinkering a bit with my VPN setup. I am looking into the popular topic of separating different traffic types or applications with the use of a vpn gateway. I've already read topics like https://airvpn.org/topic/9923-tor-over-airvpn-vs-airvpn-with-tor/ , https://airvpn.org/topic/9609-blocking-non-vpn-traffic-with-windows-firewall/ and similar and I was wondering (hopefully this won't be a too noobish question), if instead of configuring the Windows firewall (like it would be in my case) it would be more feasible to just run the airVPN Client inside a Linux VM, inside VMPlayer or VirtualBox and the like. I'm putting possible performance issues and the security concerns of the host OS aside. What kind of OS, or which Linux distro i guess, could be used for this configuration? So with the final setup, I could use my host OS for my "normal" activities" and the VMwith encrypted drives for torrenting, unlocking youtube vids etc. and if i feel the need to encrypt all traffic, I could just power off the VM and use the client on the host. Thanks in advance for your input!