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Found 5 results

  1. I have airvpn setup and my Thunderbird account is receiving and sending mail through gmail port 995 and 465. Is this secure? Does google see my home IP? I want to use the ports allocated from airvpn but could not get it working, and read that google only works with the ports above. Any advice? Do I need a new email server if I want to remain anonymous? Than you.
  2. Hey there, Maybe my question has been answered before and I simply can't find it in the forum. So here goes: I've been using the VPN for a couple of days now and I'm running in just 1 problem so far: Gmail won't let me access my e-mail as long as the VPN is active because they don't believe it's me. They want me to verify and after answering all their questions (1- re-enter my password, 2- tell them when my account was created, 3-giving an alternate e-mail where they send a verification code, 4- fill in said verification code) they simply state that they can't verify that I'm me and that's that. Does anyone have a way around this apart from shutting down the VPN?
  3. I have problems signing into Gmail (via AirVpn) - but only from some servers. Can someone explain why? Example: From a never-before-used IP in Holland, USA, some other places -- it's fine. From a never-before-used IP in Germany - it won't let me sign in unless it can send me a text message to verify who I am. What are the differences between the servers in Germany and other places? Is there something I can do to fix this? It can't be my gmail settings because some servers are fine and others are not. Thanks.
  4. Hello friends, Maybe this is a common problem, when you strat with AirVpn. I hope that someone can help me with this. I have Windows 7 and use Windows Live Mail , for my different email adresses. This is my problem: With AirVpn connected, i cannot send any emails Furthermore i cannot get connection with the google servers, to get to my gmail acounts. My laptop keeps asking me to fill in my username and password (POP3 server) gmail, except this does not help. What do i have to do to receive gmail, and sent any email ? Maybe change the setings of the servers of Gmail and outgoing ? Thanks, kind regards. Erik
  5. Hi- this isn't so much a problem as a change I've noticed since upgrading my OS to run OpenVPN Last year was running 2 main devices. Laptop on Ubuntu 9.04 and a tablet on Ice Cream Sandwich. OpenVPN wouldn't run on Ubuntu 9.04 on laptop, had to configure seperately via Network Manager. Worked a treat on laptop, except whenever my connection was disrupted and AirVPN automatically reconnected but to a different server, Facebook and Gmail would go into spasms, lock me out and I'd need to reanswer security questions. It was painful, but I felt safe I could run OpenVPN on my Android tablet, and I don't recall having this reconnection security issue at either site ( but didn't use the tablet much ) I upgraded to Mint last year, was able to install OpenVPN and run my AirVPN acct through it. But I did notice that since then, neither FB or Gmail has had security issues with this when connection drops and is re-established via a different server A colleague suggested that perhaps in the interim AirVPN may have updated it's routing so that reconnects don't cause Facebook/ Gmail to warn about session hijacks, and I should check that first Is this the case? Or is OpenVPN somehow signalling that a VPN is being used with some sites such as Facebook? TIA
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