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Found 13 results

  1. Can this happen while being connected via AirVPN ? I do not know? --- Read more of this story at Slashdot. https://yro.slashdot.org/story/22/01/31/222250/website-fined-by-german-court-for-leaking-visitors-ip-address-via-google-fonts I originally saw this story posted on Facebook and here is their comment thread on it: https://www.facebook.com/slashdot/posts/10158469206330857 I do not know if this can still happen while being connected on ANY VPN, let alone while on or using AirVPN? Can anyone help me who knows better? I guess a simple yes or no from someone who knows better, would be reassuring lol
  2. Techlore talks about privacy and security in a more easy and friendly way. For this you have to visit youtube and this is perhaps a contradiction . A solution is the tor-browser .The “hatedone” on youtube uploaded a video about using the tor-browser in daily live ;also on youtube (recommended!) If you want to know more about defending your security and privacy ,look around on techlore’s youtube page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1i-3xwcSGA&pbjreload=101
  3. Please forgive me if this question comes across as a bit naive. I was not able to locate anything that answers it in the FAQ. When I open a connection to an AirVPN host, is that specific connection tied to my payment information (email, payment method, etc)? If so, does that connection endure for as long as I am logged into the host, or is it checked at the moment of log-in and subsequently forgotten?
  4. Hello, I am still a VPN newbie so I thought I would ask these questions on this forum to get a better idea of how the service works. Allow me to ask three of them: 1. Purely theoretically, if a law enforcement agency such as the FBI was suspecting somebody was using one of your servers for illegal purposes (whatever they may be), and sent you an official letter to share information about the usage of the VPN server in question at any given point in time (for example, the VPN server was used to access a Gmail account at a particular time, and the FBI would reach out to you and ask you who used that VPN server exactly at that time), how would AirVPN respond? Do you have, as a service provider, a legal obligation to respond to such requests? As far as I know, you do not keep any logs, so would there be any information that you would even be able to give to the law enforcement agency? I would really appreciate elaboration from you on how this scenario would play out. Not that I want to do anything illegal, it is just a theoretical question. 2. I read somewhere on the internet that if a VPN provider says they do not keep logs, it is often a false statement, and even if they do not keep logs, usually the upstream ISP of the VPN provider (the ISP through which the VPN servers are connected to the Internet) do keep logs. I would like to ask you what you think of this theory and whether it may represent a potential risk of logging. In other words, even if you do not keep any logs at all yourself, can it be a potential security risk that the upstream ISP you use for your servers does keep logs, and, as a result, could potentially give this logging information to potential law enforcement agencies? 3. If I use AirVPN over Tor, meaning I connect from my computer to the Tor network first and from there to the VPN server, will the Tor exit node periodically change in order to make the route more anonymous? Because if the Tor exit node did not change and an attacker was controlling both the guard (entry) Tor node I would be connecting to, as well as the Tor exit node that would be connecting to the VPN server, although the attacker would not be able to see the actual traffic, he would see the amount of bytes flowing through from one end to the other, and if the attacker also got control of, for example, the websites I would be visiting via the AirVPN server, he could correlate the amount of bytes flowing from my real IP to the entry node, then through to the exit node and finally to the destination server of the websites I would be visiting, thereby deanonymizing me. So that is why I am asking if the exit node changes when the traffic is routed through the AirVPN over Tor channel. If it does, I think I can feel safer?
  5. Hello, I have been reading about the differences between UDP and TCP and they basically say that TCP is more reliable, as it does some extra "error-checking stuff", while UDP does no such thing. From that I can inferr basic things for example: TCP guarantees that your downloads are not corrupt in case of connection problems and so on. But as a newbie, i am not sure how to interpret that in another context: Do these extra error checkings also protect your privacy and anonymity against (theoretically) any kind of hacking, like intercepting and compromising the packets, or sniffing them ie spying on your activity online (from the government for example) ? And would i be at a disadvantage when using UDP in that case? Thank you
  6. Hello I was wondering if any of you have any recommendations when it comes to the falsification of the user agent string in chrome my primary browser I would like to falsify my user agent while using the VPN for added anonymity however I have not come across any proper user agent falsifies in chrome that falsify the screen resolution as well as the browser type Please note I am disabled and use speech recognition software which is not always 100% accurate so I do apologise for any spelling or grammar issues or anything that doesn't make sense feel free to ask for clarification Kind regards Paul
  7. Hello. The purpose of this thread is to allow everyone to make themselves less visible on the Internet by having the same exact set of extensions and addons that help form the browser fingerprint as recognized by Panopticlick. https://panopticlick.eff.org/ So first we should look at what Panopticlick finds. Disregard the "number of bits" and instead look at "one in x browsers have this value" and then find the biggest numbers. Usually the "Browser Plugin Details" and "Fonts" are the largest by far. So since there is nothing that can be done to fix the Fonts problem without messing up the entire system, let's instead focus on the Browser Plugin Details. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/betterprivacy/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/canvasblocker/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/classicthemerestorer/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/disconnect/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/form-history-control/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ghostery/ https://code.google.com/p/https-finder/downloads/detail?name=httpsfinder_0.91b.xpi https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/no-google-analytics/ https://www.eff.org/privacybadger https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/requestpolicy/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/self-destructing-cookies/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/ssleuth/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/ https://secure.informaction.com/download/releases/noscript- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-high-definition/ (The last one is not needed, but it is nice not to have to change the resolution every single time you play a video from Youtube. And getting rid of annotations forever is worth it by itself.) Now. That is the list of extensions I have for this profile. Plugins are still a problem. For plugins Firefox 40+ comes with two that probably should never be disabled. I suggest adding Flash, Silverlight, Unity and VLC Web player. (You get the last by installing Videolan and choosing the option.) All plugins that can be set to "Ask to Activate" should be. Any suggestions to make this more useful and private? (And just to clarify, this thread is identical to another I made on the PIA forums a while back. I still think people should make a unified browser profile to combat malicious sites finding what type of system we use. And I welcome input.)
  8. The EFF compiled it's annual report regarding major internet companies transparency. Worth to read which ones you should avoid (I would recommend avoiding most) https://www.eff.org/who-has-your-back-government-data-requests-2015 PDF version: https://www.eff.org/files/2015/06/18/who_has_your_back_2015_protecting_your_data_from_government_requests_20150618.pdf
  9. Hi, I came across an article today that states AirVPN is not one of the most trustworthy VPNs out there, contrary to what many believe, as according to them, you log sensitive identifiable information including IP address. I don't want to take this article at face value and I want to give you a chance to respond to the accusation and defend yourself so, please have a read over the linked article and respond. http://www.deepdotweb.com/2014/07/08/is-your-vpn-legit-or-shit/ Sorry if this has been discussed. I could not find a related post. Thank you.
  10. Ever heard of the NetFlow protocol? It's used to collect TCP/IP packet data and export them for later analysis. Developed by.. pause for effect.. Cisco! <3 And every Cisco router supports it. The reason why there's a vulnerabiliy which will never get closed? This is a conspiracy theory! Kill him! .. Er.. yeah. So, NetFlow. A few researchers at Columbia University recently published a paper in which they describe an attempt to use NetFlow against the TOR network. Well, not directly. Their goal is to evaluate "the effectiveness of using NetFlow data to perform practical traffic analysis attacks for identifying the source of anonymous communication", short and relevant version: "How effective is NetFlow when it comes to finding out the source of an anonymized connection with it?" Tested in-lab and in the network, "we had 100% success rate in determining the source of anonymous flows [in-lab]. When evaluating our attack with traffic going through the public Tor relay, we were able to detect the source in 81.4% cases. We observed about 12.2% false negatives and 6.4% false positives in our measurements." For everyone who wants to read the paper, here's the link. Let me know what you understand by source of an anonymous connection. Let's play a simplified taboo game: You must not use the term IP address because, well, that's not what is meant. If you want to know why, please proceed and read the answers.
  11. ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNZrq2iK87k If you haven't seen this yet - this is a 2+ hour, must-watch presentation about the current state of data collection / analysis / surveillance / targeting, held by (right-wing, anti-Snowden!) private investigator Steven Rambam at the HOPE X conference. Money quotes: "If this stuff had existed during the American Revolution, all of the leaders of the revolution would have been identified and arrested." "It's a double-edged sword. Undercover agents, people risking their lives assuming identities, what do they do about this? (..) It's a nightmare now. (..) Motorcycle gangs now have membership applications. And they hire private investigators to check them out." "All of this stuff is being done to catalog us, pigeonhole us - is it actually translating (..) to a reduction in crime rates, catching of terrorists, finding missing persons? No. Not at all." This presentation is a great reminder that yes, we need technological solutions like VPNs and Tor but the real problem lies so much deeper. It doesn't matter how hard we try, we can't escape or avoid "the system". We have to change it and it's not just some crooked governments or a few misguided corporations: it's the current, global mindset that enables these violations and this wrong way of thinking.
  12. Hi there, I have some questions regarding security/anonymity issues for only one pc. Not all people have 2 PCs in their home where they could split up like one for all non-VPN tasks and the other one strictly for VPN tasks. Some of them have their VPN always on, also for real-life identity tasks (let's call these non-VPN tasks) like banking, shopping, ... Just because they don't want their traffic to be sniffed by ISP or others, so this is just to protect their data usage, not their identities because they give it to the bank, amazon etc, when logging in to their website and doing bank transfers, buy books... So what about the security then if they need the VPN for "real VPN tasks" (let's call these VPN tasks), whatever that might be depends of course. Remember we have only one PC. So would it be a solution to work with a dedicated country or just some dedicated (VPN-)servers of a country for all non-VPN tasks and to take servers from other countries for VPN tasks. On top of that the VPN servers for VPN-tasks will be used with another browser-profile to avoid exact fingerprinting. Also there is always a complete setup comodo-firewall running which only let's traffic through the VPN to the outside. The DNS of the network interface will always be static and pointing to the VPN-DNS. So in fact there is no traffic possible without being connected to the VPN. Which security issues can come up like that? I think most people with one PC will do it that way that they use no VPN for non-VPN tasks and VPN only for VPN tasks. This is of course quite different but the same questions come up. Of course care is taken to not mix identities, eg to not login to your bank account if you are not in the non-VPN servers using the non-VPN browser profile.
  13. Could a malicious party ever possibly gain access to a list of AirVPN's users' forwarded ports? If so, could the malicious party then correlate those users with traffic to and from the exit IP addresses of AirVPN's servers, using the port numbers as common values in both sets of data? To help explain what I mean, imagine the following scenario: John Doe is the only AirVPN user to ever use BitTorrent on port 12345. Even if he connects to a malicious peer, which we'll call the Ministry of Truth, his anonymity remains intact, because the most information that the Ministry can correlate are the files being shared, the IP address of an AirVPN server, and port number 12345. However, what if the Ministry got a court order demanding that AirVPN provide a list of its users' forwarded ports? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the Ministry then be able to see that John Doe was the only AirVPN user to forward port 12345, thus linking him to the aforementioned BitTorrent traffic? Perhaps I'm simply misunderstanding how AirVPN's port forwarding works, so correct me if I'm wrong. But if I'm right, then what measures must users take to protect themselves from such a scenario?
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