Hello, Instead of reseting it manually every now and then, now you can do this automatically. And stay/be connected 24/7 through the VPN. The issue then when trying to connect remotely (e.g. office/other location) to the home computer that's connected to AirVPN. Your client IP will be reset to or 169.x.x.x. In that case OpenVPN-GUI will still show Connected, but in fact it's not. 1)This small batch file(see below) will ensure that the TAP-adapter will not disconnect. ---------------------------------dhcp.tap.adapter.bat------------------------------------------- @ECHO OFF :LOOP ECHO Waiting for 300 seconds.... timeout /t 300 netsh interface ip set address tapadapter DHCP netsh interface ip set address tapadapter DHCP netsh int ip set dns name = "tapadapter" source = dhcp ipconfig /all GOTO LOOP ---------------------------------dhcp.tap-adapter.bat------------------------------------------- 2)After the connection has been established to AirVPN(UDP/TCP or OpenVPN over SSL/SSH) run the above file dhcp.tap.adapter.bat. Run as Admin if elevation is required. Regards, Flex