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  1. Hello, New user here with a similar problem, big fan of the service so far. It would help me if this could be dummied down a little. Similarly to OP, this setup works for regular http: webserver > airvpn? > airdns > user Goal: I would like to be able to accomplish this with https (webserver > airvpn? > airdns > cloudflare hostname > user) where each phase is encrypted. Problem: I am unable to register a certificate using the records in the background section. I think I misunderstood what you meant Background: My webserver (cosmos server) expects a hostname and allows you to use letsecrypt with your hostname (and it's subdomains) to encrypt connections with tls. Their documentation has you open a port on your router, then point your domain to your router with these records: A my.domain.here my.ip.address.numbers CNAME * my.domain.here It was working in this configuration. But in an effort to increase security (not a fan of opening up my router to attacks), I'd like to use port-forwarding instead. From the information in this thread I've ended up with these DNS records: CNAME my.domain.here subdomain.airdns.org CNAME * my.domain.here I am requesting a certificate for my.domain.here and it's subdomains (*.my.domain.here). Error: When I try to register a certificate I get this error: cloudflare: failed to find zone airdns.org.: ListZonesContext command failed: Invalid request headers (6003) Googling this error has not turned up many good results, but the error makes sense, I don't own your domain! Questions: First off, is this setup what you meant? Second, is there a way I can change my records to get past this error? Finally, do I need this at all? I can disable https all together but am not clear of the security ramifications (maybe your tls connection with the user is enough).
  2. I have a local Server permanently connected to Airvpn over wireguard. Now I want to access the installed Nextcloud from the internet with SSL Encryption. I use an apache2 webserver. I opened a port and I can access it over http. But I don't know how to configure it over https. https://airdns.org/ has a Let's encrypt certificate, but in my nexcloud.conf I know only how to use a local certificate. So how can I point the webserver to use the certificate from airdns.org?
  3. I have configured pfSense using one of the guides and the connection is working fine over port 443. However, I've learnt that it is better to use tls-crypt over TCP from my location and I was wondering what changes would I need to make to pfSense for this. Also, the speed right now is already a tad bit slow (comparing to to PIA that I am also testing). I am based in Dubai and connecting to the new UK/Manchester server. Does anyone have epxerience with a faster server?
  4. Hi all, I'm hoping for an answer on this, i'll show you the setup first then the question. Here's the setup: Linux server running web server and using AirVPN(Eddie) port forwarding a HTTP port 80 web page with chat function----(no HTTPS) I I I Connected to Internet I I Serving the webpage using AirVPN Exit IP and Forwarded Port I I Windows 10 client connecting to AirVPN Exit IP and Port via web browser and then using the web chat service in http not in https. The Windows 10 client is not running a VPN or any special software. The Question: Is the connection between the client and the AirVPN exit node encrypted even though the client doesnt have VPN software installed? I know that that might sound silly but I would have thought the answer would have been no, so to check this I MITM my WiFi connection but could only see QUIC, TCP, UDP and HTTP coming from the client in Wireshark. The QUIC UDP were encrypted payloads and I searched the HTTP packets data for the plain text messages I was sending in the chat page but couldn't find it, in fact none of the packets were readable other than the source and destination parts. So to recap: Is the clients connection to the AirVPN Exit nodes IP and PORT encrypted? and if so how when im not running a vpn? is it the session to the airvpn exit node? can the data be read in plain text the same way it would on a normal LAN if i was doing packet capture on the HTTP? Please discuss
  5. Hi, I have been using AirVPN successfully on my system using this guide above on my private trackers for nearly a year. https://airvpn.org/topic/9549-traffic-splitting-guide-to-setting-up-vpn-only-for-torrenting-on-windows-thanks-to-nadre/?hl=utorrent I had successfully setup this system to work using the guide whereby uTorrent was using AirVPN and my browsing traffic using my own internet connection. Firstly, prior to this issue I have noticed that despite changing server 3 or 4 times. I cannot get a speed faster than 3.0mb/s when downloading on uTorrent. Previously I was getting between 8 and 12 down, running a test with my own internet gives me my max speed of around 30mb/s down. Two of my trackers have switched to using a HTTPS tracker address rather than a HTTP one and the downloads or uploads no longer work. I receive an Error of "A connection with the server cannot be established" and the tracker won't connect. The HTTP connections work fine. I have tested and either removing the firewall block to my non VPN IP allows the connections to go through when I have modified the Route table. Alternatively, If I remove the route table modification and allow all data to flow through the VPN. The torrent starts downloading. I am using the latest OpenVPN and UDP connections to Dutch or UK servers.
  6. Hallo, I've read about the kickasstorrents admin getting busted for stupid reasons and it got me thinking. How do I specify everyday sites like https://amazon.com to NOT to use VPN tunnel. So using same IP or number of IPs through AIRVPN will not become a problem. And VPN is also useless since those sites have got your personal information. ways to use it like I see it: - network lock / adresses allowed (then https://amazon.com would be allowed by disconnect.) - bothersome - routes (don't know how to use it) So, like you see I don't know much Other solutions I can think of: - "misuse" tor browser for everyday sites (but then how does it stand to AIRVPN over TOR solution?) I am rather a noob and not really out for a "tinkering" solution. Maybe it is that obvious that I dont see it? Specifying web adresses espeacially such as amazon or youtube are probably problematic since they "outsource" their traffic through other domains. Those did not get me very far https://airvpn.org/faq/software_advanced/ https://airvpn.org/software/ Am I blowing some things out proportion, do not understand some things I saying? Possible. Tell me. Thanks for you help.
  7. Dear AIRVPN users, AIRVPN is configured with success in an asus router (merlin build). Port 80 is redirected to a web server using following post . I can access any website using http but not using https. The browser display ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
  8. Security researchers have developed an application called pacumen to analyze encrypted traffic. With the information provided by it an attacker can find out if a certain (specified) application is communicating behind an encrypted connection. This analysis technique is called a side channel attack. In pacumen, you create a classifier (detection rules for the application you'd like to uncover in the traffic) and a pcap file with sniffed traffic (preferably covering hours of length). It then starts analyzing it and calculates a value, representing the similarity of the analyzed traffic with the specified rules. For example: The researchers tried to uncover usage of Skype inside an SSH tunnel and were quite successful. The same thing can be done with any other protocol, let's say, to see if some user is using Facebook over HTTPS. Or identifying BitTorrent inside OpenVPN. China and Iran could theoretically use it to uncover OpenVPN over SSH/SSL. Countermeasures are padding of all packets and/or sending contant dummy packets. Note that both of them would lower performance of tunnels drastically.
  9. Since I began using AirVPN, I have not been able to access HTTPS Wikipedia, Wikiquote, etc. I have written support about this, and apparently everything is working on their side. I also contacted Wikipedia to see if they were blocking HTTPS access to their servers - they replied they are not blocking HTTPS, but do maintain blacklists. Those blacklists, however, block both HTTP and HTTPS. I can access http://www.wikipedia.org (no encryption) just fine. AirVPN originally reported that they were able to reproduce the problem on Castor, but not anymore. Is anyone else having problems accessing https://www.wikipedia.org ???
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