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Found 8 results

  1. I propose to add an additional option to generate a config file per City (https://airvpn.org/generator/) that will connect to the most optimal server for that city based on server load. This would work similar to how when you connect via Country or Continent. What I mean is when generating config files (https://airvpn.org/generator/) you can only select the specific servers for each city, rather than selecting just the city itself. The problem with connecting via Country or Continent is it will often connect you to a less than optimal server relative to your location. For example, Chicago based connections might be connected to Florida etc. which ultimately leads to connections with bad latency and lower speeds.
  2. Hey all! I ran into an issue the other day when setting up AirVPN where I found alot of the AirVPN IP's appear to be blocked by my ISP. In my quest to resolve this issue, I ended up creating a script that uses fping and dig to get all the IPs for a region, check that they work, and add those to your AirVPN configuration. I figured this script might be helpful to some, so I'd share it here. You can download it here: https://gist.github.com/zikeji/144247cb20793a5a7c65653e5f7c572b A simple one line to download it and set the executable bit: wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/zikeji/144247cb20793a5a7c65653e5f7c572b/raw/a414cc4f6828904992f18e0a0bdecf6cf5e4f85c/airvpn_remotes.sh -q -O airvpn_remotes.sh && chmod +x airvpn_remotes.sh Warning: Remember, for your safety ALWAYS review a downloaded script before executing it! The command's help output: airvpn_remotes.sh Description: Use dig and fping generate multiple remotes for an AirVPN config, replacing existing remote(s), and ignoring IPs that aren't responding. Remotes are placed in order of lowest ping to highest. Usage: airvpn_remotes.sh [--port=<int>] [--query=<fqdn>] [--ipv4] [--ipv6] [--remote-random] [--in-place] [input-file] airvpn_remotes.sh -h | --help Options: -h, --help Show this screen. -p <int>, --port=<fqdn> Override the port supplied on each remote line [default: 443]. -q <fqdn>, --query=<fqdn> Supply the DNS record you wish to query to use the IPs from [default: ca.all.vpn.airdns.org]. -s <ns>, --server=<ns> The name server you wish to query the records against [default: ns1.airvpn.org]. -c <int>, --count=<int> Change the amount of pings ran by fping for more accurate ping sorting [default: 4]. -4, --ipv4 Only query IPv4. -6, --ipv6 Only query IPv6. -r, --remote-random Add remote-random to the AirVPN config (this will cause OpenVPN to randomize the server order when connecting). -i<ext>, --in-place=<ext> Edit the file in place (makes backup if extension supplied), ignored if no input file is supplied. The first non-option argument is the name of the input file; if no input file is specified, then the standard input is read. All other non-option arguments after the first are ignored. You'll need to ensure dig and fping are installed on your distribution before you can use it. Additionally, if your system doesn't support IPv6 it'll only return IPv4 be default (because naturally pinging the IPv6 addresses will fail). And finally, I've only tested the script on Ubuntu 20.04, but hopefully you don't run into trouble. By default the script checks the DNS record AirVPN maintains for all of CA's servers. You can find out more about the records option here: https://airvpn.org/faq/servers_ip/ The help file should be pretty clear as to how to use the script, but I'll provide an example. I want to update my AirVPN.ovpn file with new remotes that'll be executed randomly and only include IPv4 remotes, and I want them from the Netherlands. Additionally, instead of connecting in order I want it to connect to a random server defined in the config. Since I use port 1194 instead of port 443, I also want each remote to use port 1194 instead of the default. I also want it to backup my original config before overwriting it. I would run: ./airvpn_remotes.sh -r4 -qnl.all.vpn.airdns.org -p1194 -iold AirVPN.ovpn Which would remove any lines from my AirVPN conf that are a remote or a remote-random and add the new remotes, sorted by lowest ping first (which is irrelevant because we're also adding remote-random). Hopefully this script might be useful for someone else as well!
  3. I know there is an answer for this somewhere but for the life of me I cannot find it. Can someone explain the options for "Choose your device/connection" section in the config generator?
  4. Hey there! I have a question regarding the creation of an openvpn config through this site's config generator in the client area. I can create one but what I want is a way to have the same or similar settings as my Eddie AirVPN application on windows PCs. Specifically the section in preferences (inside Eddie) Tor/Proxy. Mine is set to default Tor settings with 9150 as port, empty login info and when tested it's successful. Now why I need this openvpn config is for use on a tablet/phone. Can anyone provide information to help me create a new ovpn file with the same Tor safeguards as are available in the Eddie GUI on PC. Thank you for any help you can provide me. -T
  5. Hi, I have a question about Config Generator. It works very nice and is very convenient. However, when I generate a config, the config file includes fields for <ca>..</ca>, <cert>..</cert>, <key>..</key>. How does the config generator know the client cert and key values? Where is it taking those values from, are those values being saved somewhere? Isn't that a potential security vulnerability? Thanks for the support.
  6. Hello, I noticed a small problem using the config generator in Tor Browser with the "medium-high" setting on the security slider. When this setting is used certain javascript links don't work, even though JS is enabled automatically because AirVPN is using HTTPS. For example, when selecting which servers to create config files for, the "invert selection" button doesn't work. After this is finished, the download links don't work. This is not a massive issue, as I can simply lower the security setting only while create configs and put it back afterwards. The generator works on both the "low" and "medium-low" settings.
  7. I have been up and down old guides to set up my pi to run a seed box, but each source is a little confusing and has a few steps missing/different/outdated. Can anyone please link or type up a proper set up guide to get the Pi on Rasbian set up quickly and painlessly, along with how to auto boot the config with no leaks in plain English? A Linux built client for ARM processors could do wonders in this department. Thank you!
  8. I use OpenVPN GUI instead of AirVPN software because I use OpenVPN in other ways, so I use the AirVPN Config Generator. The generated configuration files work well except for the lack of DNS configuration. As a result, to use AirVPN DNS I have to add the following line to each generated configuration: dhcp-option DNS Please enhance the Config Generator to do this automatically. Ideally this would be a DNS choice of: AirVPN DNS (default)User specified DNS (2)No DNS settingThanks for listening.
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