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  1. Hello! We inform you that we have started contributions to Chelsea Manning's legal fund. We are proud to contribute to it but not "glad", meaning that in a really democratic and free country Chelsea Manning would not be detained indefinitely for her refusal to testify before a grand-jury (*) in matters that she exhaustively treated before a court martial, and would not need a legal fund at all by now. (*) A grand jury means that the public is not allowed entry: the hearings are held in secret She disclosed nearly 750,000 military and diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks revealing, amongst many other things, war crimes. I will not participate in a secret process that I morally object to, particularly one that has been used to entrap and persecute activists for protected political speech. Chelsea Manning Manning should be regarded as a hero. [...] doing what an honest, decent citizen should be doing: letting your population know what the government, the people who rule you are doing. They want to keep it secret of course. Noam Chomsky Action Network page for Manning's legal fund donations: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/chelsea-manning-needs-legal-funds-to-resist-a-grand-jury-subpoena Check our mission page: https://airvpn.org/mission Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Staff
  2. Hello! We proudly announce that today AirVPN has become an Electronic Frontier Foundation "Super Major Donor". The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows. https://www.eff.org Check our mission page: https://airvpn.org/mission Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Staff
  3. Hello! Since this 6 years old thread has been linked on social networks, an update is due. What happened since 2013/2014 In mid January 2017, AirVPN developed growing concerns regarding Coinbase behavior and privacy policy AirVPN inquiries did not lead to a satisfactory resolution of the aforementioned concerns On January 26 2017, Coinbase informed AirVPN that "[AirVPN] has engaged in prohibited use in violation of our Terms of Service and we regret to inform you that we can no longer provide you with access to our service. " On January 27 2017, AirVPN asked Coinbase for clarifications and also asked to know exactly what Terms of Service points or articles AirVPN infringed. The request remained and remains currently unanswered. On January 27 2017, Coinbase, without mentioning any ToS violation, required a tax form document which AirVPN could not produce since it was a tax form exclusively reserved to USA taxpayers. AirVPN explained why such request was improper and what equivalent EU documents AirVPN could produce and re-iterated the previous request to disclose what part or articles of the Terms of Service AirVPN infringed. On January 28, 2017, Coinbase recognized that the tax form request for USA citizens or companies was an obvious mistake and that AirVPN could disregard it as a mistaken request by Coinbase. No mention of infringements of the Terms of Service was made and no reply to AirVPN previous questions was sent. On January 30, 2017, Coinbase threatened to cease service for AirVPN in 6 business days, reiterating the very same tax form request that was recognized by Coinbase itself as a mistake just two days earlier It was AirVPN understanding that Coinbase reiterating a mistaken and impossible to comply requirement, as well as its inability to specify which articles or parts of the ToS AirVPN infringed, had to be interpreted as actions aimed to find any justification, even irrational, to drop the service in any case. Such a behavior also contributed to further confirm previous AirVPN concerns. As a consequence, AirVPN stopped accepting payments via Coinbase on February 01, 2017, relying instead on BitPay and Coinpayments During February 2018, AirVPN founders decided that it was time to accept Bitcoin directly in order to cut out any intermediary, fully use Bitcoin potential and get rid of any current or future intermediary privacy intrusion and/or arbitrary decisions in Bitcoin transactions and/or Bitcoin accounts. Coinpayments remained and remains active to accept other cryptocurrencies (check https://airvpn.org/buy ) On March 26, 2018, AirVPN started to accept Bitcoin directly, without any intermediary In April 2018, Coinbase froze WikiLeaks account https://news.bitcoin.com/wikileaks-coinbase-shop-blocked/ In February 2019, Bitcoin Magazine published the following article https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/grim-stories-of-ethical-privacy-abuses-emerge-about-coinbases-new-partners/ In April 2019, Repubblica published the following article https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2019/04/08/news/hacking_team_khashoggi-223556958/?refresh_ce Kind regards
  4. @zhang888 That's correct, in the European Union cooperating with a private entity in an attempt to disclose and transmit personal data (including an IP address, which is recognized under specific circumstances as "personal data") is a borderline operation which may configure civil and even criminal infringements. The transmission of personal data between private companies without the explicit and informed consent of the data subject is a serious infringement in every EU country. Just for information or curiosity, in Italy the attempt to disclose a person's identity through IP addresses harvesting and request to the provider (ISP in general, proxy, VPN...) has been recognized as an illegal act, which must be rejected, in the so called "Peppermint affair", a long dispute between 2005 and 2010, which ended with a resounding defeat of all copyright trolls. One of central roles defending the interests of the citizens whose identities could have been disclosed according to the improper or illegal requests of copyright trolls was covered by lawyer Carlo Blengino, who has been a source of inspiration to protect privacy and personal data for an AirVPN founder throughout the years, inspiration that is one of the leading AirVPN creation reasons. https://www.altalex.com/documents/news/2010/03/24/caso-peppermint-la-riservatezza-delle-comunicazioni-prevale-sul-diritto-d-autore Kind regards
  5. Hello! Can you please also tell us at your convenience the browser(s) you experienced the problem with, as well as your Operating System(s)? Kind regards
  6. Of course, and that's vital. It is however different than what you suggested to inspect traffic in order to find patterns which resemble, according to some arbitrary definition, a "malicious" behavior, and as a consequence enforce packet filtering rules to block that behavior and/or ban a user session. Think about it: in order to find a pattern you need to monitor all the current activity, compartmentalize it on user by user basis (to avoid at least a class of false positives when different users access the same service), and compare it with previous activity. Inevitably all of the above involves active logging which leads, amongst other unpleasant things, to a direct correlation between a user and what he/she does, no matter whether you delete such information after a second (but a second in many cases is insufficient to discern a pattern) or a month, as well as a flagrant violation of net neutrality and potential, very serious problems with the mere conduit condition. It's not acceptable for us, it's not compatible with our mission and anyway what such traffic inspection would be worth for? It would make no difference for the purposes you mention (*), so it would become only a surveillance tool (*) As the ongoing dismantlement of Internet end-to-end principle passes even through the collection and white listing of IP addresses assigned to specific ISPs, especially "residential" ISPs. Kind regards
  7. If you have been a UNIX admin for so many years you probably already know how irrelevant in this context is the distinction between stateful packet inspection with retention of metadata including source and destination IP addresses (which is mandatory in your scenario, otherwise no history can be made up to decide arbitrarily what is "malicious" and what is not) and deep packet inspection in this context. What you suggest is stateful packet inspection with blanket data retention, which has been declared as infringing human fundamental rights twice by two very clear decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union. And that would not even change anything because of the reasons already explained by zhang888. Kind regards
  8. Obvious: to read the configuration files. Eddie Android edition works even with profiles taken from any VPN provider based on OpenVPN, including AirVPN profiles. Access to files is granted to "OpenVPN for Android" and any other serious OpenVPN based application, otherwise how could the apps read the OpenVPN configuration file? You can check yourself since Eddie is free and open source software, unlike NordVPN which is closed source. Kind regards
  9. Thank you! Sorry, no. The main problem is that people who don't have any respect for the Internet are so incompetent that they feel forced to block entire IP address ranges (even /24 or /16!) to compensate their pathologic and inexcusable inability to understand how to fix their systems. The fact that such persons end up to do a job for which they are clearly not qualified for is one of the disgraces of our times. Translation: you beg for traffic inspection. You prefer a monitoring environment because you are victim of the fantastic narrative (not to call it the paramount lie) enforced by some regimes according to which traffic inspection and data retention will harm only people with criminal intent (and of course "criminal" meaning varies from country to country). You might find yourself very comfortable and happy with NordVPN, they already send out your personal data from their Android application without your explicit consent, which hints to the fact that it might really be the perfect choice for those who like being profiled or spied without consent: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/search/com.nordvpn.android/ And compare it with: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/search/org.airvpn.eddie/ Mordant regards
  10. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in London, UK, is available: Geminorum. The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server. If you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Client Area"->"Config generator"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 1194, 2018 UDP and TCP. Just like every other "second generation" Air server, Geminorum supports OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH, TLS 1.2 and tls-crypt. Full IPv6 support is included as well. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. You can check the server status as usual in our real time servers monitor: https://airvpn.org/servers/geminorum Geminorum replaces Bellatrix. Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Team
  11. Hello! Please try the following first: with administrator privileges delete the file D:\Program Files\AirVPN\default.xml while Eddie is not running (it's Eddie's configuration file and it will be re-created at the next run - you will need to re-enter your credentials) upgrade to Eddie 2.17.2 beta: it solves some compatibility problems with Windows 10 Pro which Eddie 2.15.x suffered (you are running Eddie 2.15.2) and test again You can download Eddie for Windows here: https://airvpn.org/windows In the download page click "Other versions" > "Experimental". You will be brought back to the download page, pointing this time to the beta version. Download and install as usual. Kind regards
  12. Hello! We're very glad to inform you that a new 1 Gbit/s server located in São Paulo, BR, is available: Peony. Peony is our first server in South America and we are very proud to start operating there. Special thanks go to out moderator Zhang who helped us find a datacenter with particularly good connectivity The AirVPN client will show automatically the new server. If you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access it through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Client Area"->"Config generator"). The server accepts connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 1194, 2018 UDP and TCP. Just like every other "second generation" Air server, Peony supports OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH, TLS 1.2 and tls-crypt. Full IPv6 support is included as well. As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses. You can check the server status as usual in our real time servers monitor: https://airvpn.org/servers/peony Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue. Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Team
  13. Hello! We're glad to inform you that Eddie for Android version 2.2 has just been released. Eddie Android Edition 2.2 is available on the Google Play Store as well as Amazon Appstore. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.airvpn.eddie You can also download the Eddie Android 2.2 apk directly from our repository: https://eddie.website/repository/eddie/android/2.2/org.airvpn.eddie.apk The application is fully localized and we look for translators, especially for translations into Japanese, Korean and other languages. If you wish to translate (from English) please contact info@airvpn.org for every detail. Available languages Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Turkish. Free and open source software Eddie for Android is free and open source software released under GPLv3. We invite you to check from independent 3rd parties the lack of trackers code signatures, for example here: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/search/org.airvpn.eddie New in version 2.2 AirVPN servers and OpenVPN profiles can now be connected without ordering the current active connection to end informative message dialogs can now be shown/hidden according to user's settings Settings activity is now organized as expandable view Minor bug fixes See the changelog for the complete list: https://gitlab.com/AirVPN/EddieAndroid/blob/master/ChangeLog.txt Main features Free and open source OpenVPN GUI based on OpenVPN 3 The only Android application officially developed by AirVPN Robust, best effort prevention of traffic leaks outside the VPN tunnel Battery-conscious application Low RAM footprint Ergonomic and friendly interface Ability to start and connect the application at device boot Option to define which apps must have traffic inside or outside the VPN tunnel through white and black list Localization in Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Full integration with AirVPN Enhanced security thanks to locally stored encrypted data through master password Quick one-tap connection and smart, fully automated server selection Smart server selection with custom settings Manual server selection Smart attempts to bypass OpenVPN blocks featuring protocol and server fail-over Full Android TV compatibility including D-Pad support. Mouse emulation is not required. Enhancements aimed to increase accessibility and comfort to visually impaired persons AirVPN servers sorting options Customizable "Favorite" and "Forbidden" servers and countries OpenVPN mimetype support to import profiles from external applications Multiple OpenVPN profile support. The app now imports and manages multiple OpenVPN profiles Support for custom bootstrap servers Support for favorite and forbidden countries AirVPN broadcast messages support User's subscription expiration date is shown in login/connection information The app is aware of concurrent VPN use. In case another app is granted VPN access, Eddie acts accordingly and releases VPN resources Optional local networks access. In such case, local network devices are exempted from the VPN and can be accessed within the local devices Localization override. User can choose the default language and localization from one of the available ones Favorite and forbidden lists can be emptied with a single tap VPN Lock can now be disabled or enabled from settings VPN reconnection in case of unexpected OpenVPN disconnection. (It requires VPN Lock to be disabled) User can generate an OpenVPN profile for any AirVPN server or country and save it in OpenVPN profile manager Server scoring algorithm implementing the latest AirVPN balancing factors in order to determine the best server for quick connection Network name and extra information are shown along with network type Device network status management Changelog is available here: https://gitlab.com/AirVPN/EddieAndroid/blob/master/ChangeLog.txt Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Staff
  14. Hello! Not reproducible so far. Can you provide all the details about your exact Operating System and the precise steps to reproduce the issue? Kind regards
  15. Hello! That's an intended feature. You can consider to edit your configuration file and add as many remote directives as you need, while you take care to not exceed the OpenVPN limit on the amount of remote entries, and also add remote-random according to your preferences. Kind regards
  16. That's not a viable solution for those who are behind a NAT with no port forwarding, most unfortunately a very common situation since IPv4 addresses exhaustion. Specifically this is not a viable solution for the author of the thread as he clearly specified in his very first message. Please take care to not pollute threads. Kind regards
  17. Hello! We inform you that in order to complete the migration to our new board, all AirVPN web sites will be unavailable starting from: April 16, 2019 7.00 UTC Expected downtime is not greater than 4 hours. The downtime will not affect VPN connections of those who are already our customers. UPDATE: migration completed successfully in the planned time frame. Kind regards AirVPN Staff
  18. Hello! That's irrelevant. The packets from the Internet reach a port of the VPN server exit-IP address and are forwarded to a port of your node VPN IP address (in your case the VPN IP address of the tun network interface of the machine running your camera software). Forwarded packets are therefoe inside the VPN tunnel until they reach the port of your system tun interface, i.e. the network interface used by OpenVPN. That's all. Kind regards
  19. Hello! Check here: . 2019.04.06 16:57:42 - OpenVPN > UDP link remote: [AF_INET] . 2019.04.06 16:57:42 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET] . 2019.04.06 16:58:13 - OpenVPN > [UNDEF] Inactivity timeout (--ping-exit), exiting It seems that UDP or OpenVPN packets are blocked: you might like to check for antivirus/HIPS/firewall on your system and QoS/packet filtering tools on your router. If you suspect that it's your ISP the one to enforce blocks against UDP or OpenVPN, please try a connection to port 443 of entry-IP address 3 (THREE) with TCP. You can change connection mode in Eddie's window "Preferences" > "Protocols" (untick "Automatic" to unlock your choices). Kind regards
  20. Hello! We're glad to inform you that we are opening the beta testing phase of our free and open source software Eddie for Android version 2.2. You can participate to the beta testing by joining the beta community in the Google Play Store here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/org.airvpn.eddie You can also download the Eddie Android 2.2 beta 1 apk directly from our repository: https://eddie.website/repository/eddie/android/2.2beta1/org.airvpn.eddie.apk The application is fully localized and we look for translators, especially for translations into Japanese, Korean and other languages. If you wish to translate (from English) please contact info@airvpn.org for every detail. Available languages: Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Turkish. Eddie for Android is free and open source software released under GPLv3. We invite you to check from independent 3rd parties the lack of trackers code signatures, for example here: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/search/org.airvpn.eddie New in version 2.2: AirVPN servers and OpenVPN profiles can now be connected without ordering the current active connection to endinformative message dialogs can now be shown/hidden according to user's settingsSettings activity is now organized as expandable viewMinor bug fixesSee the changelog for the complete list. Main features: Free and open source OpenVPN GUI based on OpenVPN 3The only Android application officially developed by AirVPNRobust, best effort prevention of traffic leaks outside the VPN tunnelBattery-conscious applicationLow RAM footprintErgonomic and friendly interfaceAbility to start and connect the application at device bootOption to define which apps must have traffic inside or outside the VPN tunnel through white and black listLocalization in Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, TurkishFull integration with AirVPNEnhanced security thanks to locally stored encrypted data through master passwordQuick one-tap connection and smart, fully automated server selectionSmart server selection with custom settingsManual server selectionSmart attempts to bypass OpenVPN blocks featuring protocol and server fail-overFull Android TV compatibility including D-Pad support. Mouse emulation is not required.Enhancements aimed to increase accessibility and comfort to visually impaired personsAirVPN servers sorting optionsCustomizable "Favorite" and "Forbidden" servers and countriesOpenVPN mimetype support to import profiles from external applicationsMultiple OpenVPN profile support. The app now imports and manages multiple OpenVPN profilesSupport for custom bootstrap serversSupport for favorite and forbidden countriesAirVPN broadcast messages supportUser's subscription expiration date is shown in login/connection informationThe app is aware of concurrent VPN use. In case another app is granted VPN access, Eddie acts accordingly and releases VPN resourcesOptional local networks access. In such case, local network devices are exempted from the VPN and can be accessed within the local devicesLocalization override. User can choose the default language and localization from one of the available onesFavorite and forbidden lists can be emptied with a single tapVPN Lock can now be disabled or enabled from settingsVPN reconnection in case of unexpected OpenVPN disconnection. (It requires VPN Lock to be disabled)User can generate an OpenVPN profile for any AirVPN server or country and save it in OpenVPN profile managerServer scoring algorithm implementing the latest AirVPN balancing factors in order to determine the best server for quick connectionNetwork name and extra information are shown along with network typeDevice network status management Changelog 2.2 beta 1 (VC 19) - Release date: 03 April 2019 by ProMIND AirVPNManifest.java - [ProMIND] addAirVpnServer() is now synchronized ConnectAirVPNServerFragment.java - [ProMIND] connectServer(): in case of active VPN connection, it sets a pending connection and disconnects the current one ConnectOpenVpnProfileFragment.java - [ProMIND] Profiles can now be loaded when the VPN is connected - [ProMIND] connectOpenVPNProfile(): in case of active VPN connection, it sets a pending connection and disconnects the current one EddieLogger.java - [ProMIND] Formatter.format() now uses LogRecord.getMillis() time MainActivity.java - [ProMIND] Overridden onBackPressed(): it now closes the drawer in case it is open - [ProMIND] updateConnectionStatus(): start a new connection upon disconnection in case there is a pending connection set OpenVPNTunnel.java - [ProMIND] updateNotification(): moved "pause" and "lock" strings to the beginning of message status QuickConnectFragment.java - [ProMIND] connectToNextServer(): it now checks OpenVPN profile before starting a new connection SettingsActivity.java - [ProMIND] Added show message dialogs setting - [ProMIND] Implemented expandable view for each settings category SettingsManager.java - [ProMIND] Added methods areMessageDialogsEnabled() and setMessageDialogsEnabled() SupportTools.java - [ProMIND] create256BitEncryptionKey(): key length is now delegated to SecretKeySpec() constructor VPN.java - [ProMIND] Added methods setPendingProfileInfo() and getPendingProfileInfo() - [ProMIND] Added methods setOpenVpnProfile() and getOpenVpnProfile() - [ProMIND] Added methods setPendingOpenVpnProfile() and getPendingOpenVpnProfile() - [ProMIND] Added methods setPendingProgressMessage() and getPendingProgressMessage() Kind regards and datalove AirVPN Staff
  21. Hello! When you re-install you should be prompted for a NEW master password. If not, the older files in /data/data/org.airvpn.eddie were not deleted, which usually means that the app was not really uninstalled. To uninstall an application, please make sure to follow the correct steps from the Android settings. Just to stay on the safe side, make sure to tap the Clear Data option for Eddie before you uninstall (however, that should be superfluous). You can usually find the aforementioned button in the Storage section. After that, uninstall Eddie (in a stock Android, in general: Apps -> See all apps -> scroll down to Eddie -> select Eddie -> select Uninstall). Please feel free to keep us posted. Kind regards
  22. Hello! We're very glad to know that the problem has been resolved! Your suggestion is good and we will consider it seriously. With Microsoft, Eddie already implements various fixes (on the tun/tap interface, on global DNS missing implementation on all Windows systems, and even on the "new" crazy DNS handling in Windows 10 after the "Creator" update), although mis-behaving for a bug of someone else is theoretically not the right way to follow and keeping up with all the Microsoft bugs is not so easy. Kind regards
  23. Hello! Please follow our tweets on the matter. https://twitter.com/airvpn Kind regards
  24. Thank you again for your choice! Kind regards
  25. Hello! Lot of different problems mixed in this thread. At least a part of them, like the ones in above quote, should be definitely on your side, so the best way to proceed is opening a ticket. Kind regards
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