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Everything posted by go558a83nk

  1. Where's everybody who's been begging for IPv6? Not testing or just not posting here?
  2. Are you using pfSense? Do you know what version of OpenVPN use?What score you obtain here: http://ipv6-test.com/ ? This logs are related to cipher negotiation, common in any protocols/mode.If you are using 3' or 4' entry-IP, it's under tls-crypt. If you have <tls-crypt> in your .ovpn, it's under tls-crypt. pfsense 2.4.2 with openvpn 2.4.4. However, I have all IPv6 turned off. My testing was simply for tls-crypt. Sorry I'm not more help with regard to IPv6 testing.
  3. I can't comment much more than my guess above. I know next to nothing about how mac and viscosity work. If you posted a log of a connection attempt we might be able to better help you.
  4. If logs say Jan 31 10:26:02 openvpn 29617 Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Cipher 'AES-256-CTR' initialized with 256 bit key Jan 31 10:26:02 openvpn 29617 Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash 'SHA256' for HMAC authentication an 31 10:26:02 openvpn 29617 Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Cipher 'AES-256-CTR' initialized with 256 bit key Jan 31 10:26:02 openvpn 29617 Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash 'SHA256' for HMAC authentication Then tls-crypt is working properly?
  5. So, tls-crypt requires no explicit line in the config but I guess will be pushed to us if we connect to entry IP 3 or 4? I guess I should just test and find out. edit: nevermind. I see the tls-crypt down at the (different) tls static key if using pfsense be sure to adjust tls key usage mode to encryption and authentication.
  6. The ports you've forwarded will be forwarded on all servers to which you're connected. So, you don't need to worry about connecting the right device to the right server.
  7. go558a83nk

    Well ...

    Hello! IPv6 full support is imminent, This will solve any issue for persons who have IPv6-only lines, regardless of the device they use. Please note that a proper IPv6 support based on OpenVPN is currently not available in any VPN service in the world, except maybe one. All the services are based on IPv4. Our development team was even forced to rewrite OpenVPN to fix bugs which prevented a real IPv6 support. IPv6 support was planned for the end of 2017 but has been postponed due to new discovered bugs. In spite of all these problems, we're optimistic about releasing the first IPv6 supporting server in a matter of days. This is FALSE, contrarily to the names of almost every and each of our competitors, airvpn.org passes all and every DNSSEC analysis, See by yourself: https://dnssec-debugger.verisignlabs.com/airvpn.org airvpn.info does not, but it's a fall back name (anyway in the future airvpn.info will be signed with DNSSEC too). We are confident that this is irrelevant for the VPN service in itself. Kind regards I think what the OP was saying is that AirVPN DNS resolvers don't support validation of domains per DNSSEC. http://en.conn.internet.nl/connection/ and https://dnssec.vs.uni-due.de/ test for this
  8. go558a83nk

    Well ...

    I take it you're running an openvpn client on an amazon device. If so, that openvpn software has nothing to do with AirVPN. If there's a leak, it's that software's fault.
  9. Eddie runs openvpn, which is the only VPN standard AirVPN supports. The tutorials you're watching are for how to setup other types of VPN (you mentioned L2TP). Pay those no attention unless another VPN provider instructs you to do so. If this AirVPN web site says you're connected to an AirVPN server, you are.
  10. Which page says "content only available for UK viewers"? It sounds like a service which is intentionally blocking VPN users. This is quite common.
  11. Are you actually connecting to a server? To know, do what you were doing in Eddie and visit this web site. At the top it should say the name of the server you're connect to.
  12. I have a port picked out that forwards through airvpn, but how do I make Caddy use that port? i can't seem to find anything about it online. Maybe I'm missing something simple here? This is how I made Plex available outside my home network but plex had a spot to put the forwarded port into... Caddy doesn't. When you create a port forward with AirVPN, input the internal port that Caddy uses in the section "local port"
  13. https://airvpn.org/ports/ Create forwarded ports here. And you may not need duckdns if you use the DDNS Air provides.
  14. AirVPN server is an unmoving point. The path from you to that unmoving point may change depending on network conditions. Or, if the path doesn't change, perhaps there was bad weather causing...delay. I hope you get my metaphors. Bottom line, it's not AirVPN, it's your ISP and the other networks between you and AirVPN.
  15. Youtube doesn't use flash anyway. I don't know about the others. Is your other internet activity working well through the VPN?
  16. I've since edited my post above to be more specific about "mask"ing. I must have written that before I had my coffee because it wasn't a thorough answer.
  17. It doesn't mask data usage. It's just that some ports are given lower priority than others in some networks.
  18. www.skadligkod.se uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on Friday, January 19, 2018, 10:00 AM. The current time is Monday, January 22, 2018, 11:48 PM. Error code: SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE
  19. most likely just a change to the route to the servers. your ISP may have a link down, or maybe the usual peer/transit provider does. nothing to be paranoid about.
  20. What's your speed to other AirVPN servers? I assume you tried more than just your usual server.
  21. I've seen BW over 60000 quite a few times lately! When they made the change to allow for more simultaneous connections usage certainly went up!
  22. Is there an answer for this question? if you want only one key then have only 1 key. if you have only one key it'll be the default.
  23. Interesting. The new keys are SHA512, not SHA1.
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