By adding WireGuard's pre-shared key we are ready to deploy an additional encryption layer supposed to be "quantum resistant". It's important NOT to deploy it right now because ciphers thought to be "post-quantum world ready" are not well reviewed and it may happen that they can be cracked with a classic computer. It happened for example to Rainbow last year. Rainbow was a cipher meant to resist even to quantum computers. It was the state-of-the-art cryptography algorithm in the world, rivaled only by other two algorithms. Except that it was cracked with a modest CPU laptop a year ago or so. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2310369-encryption-meant-to-protect-against-quantum-hackers-is-easily-cracked/
We have 20 Gbit/s server lines as well (10 Gbit/s full duplex). However those lines can not be saturated at the moment due to CPU limits: with a few dozen of connected clients, all vCPU limit is reached well before the line is saturated. This is due mainly to the computational power required by the encryption algorithms and marginally by other reasons.
Unfortunately WireGuard is not difficult to block, so it's possible that your ISP blocks it. For additional investigation feel free to open a ticket at your convenience.
You over-estimate us. Yes, we have implemented a lot of things to load balance the servers, but it still happens that some servers go at capacity, it's unavoidable, especially nowadays when 1 Gbit/s residential lines are common.
Thanks! Starting the 14th year of AirVPN's life.
Kind regards