Thanks for the data. I have seen the comparison charts come and go. This seems like a better data set than most of them. The one on TorrentFreak is dated and jaded by commercial interest. I have been using AirVPN for almost 5-years. It has been trouble free, secure, innovative and helpful. Helpful on the few occasions I needed help (read I screwed up my settings). Without fail, AirVPN has been way ahead of me when I read about an issue or looked in to check on something. I read something security related, I log in and find out AirVPN fixed that last month, or it is N/A because of their systems, software and diligence. I have been 'online' since before there was an online. Army SF Commo Guy from the late '70s, followed by ARPANet, DARPA Net, I hosted a dial-up BBS (Spitfire BBS) I had one of the USA first 3 Line Dial-Up BBS (I kid you not) and gradually grooved on and in to Netscape 1.0 and then went on to develope several of the worlds first "Million Hits a Month" websites in the '90s. I have hosted, co-hosted, co-located, T1'd, Tier 3d and had a couple of server farms and a hosting company or three of my very own. The tech companies I started in the 1980's allowed me to retire at 49. I have re-retired a couple of times since and now at 55, I am happily & permanently retired in to what I now call my OMO 'Old Man Online' life. OMO = Surfing, Reading, Goofing, Teaching, Advising, Downloading & Watching. In my almost 40-years Pre-Online, Kinda-Online, Army Online, 56,6 Dial-Up Online. ADSL Online, So-Called Hi-Speed Internet Online and finally Really Hi-Speed Internet Online, I have seen a bunch of communications companies come and go and none of them has impressed me more than AirVPN. Please note: I pay full price just like most of you. I have no current or previous business relationship with AirVPN. I am just a very satisfied AirVPN customer of 5-years. Thanks Team AirVPN PS I can get you a really good deal on some 'used' Hayes 2400 Baud Modems...