Changelog 1.0 RC1 (VC 4) - Release date: 16 Jul 2018 by ProMIND connection_layout.xml - [ProMIND] Changed vertical scaling for logo images NativeMethods.cs - [ProMIND] enum EventType: added debug and connect values to comply to native libs api - [ProMIND] struct ovpn3_event: type datatype is now NativeMethods.EventType api.h (native library) - [ProMIND] Added new Event macros api.c (native library) - [ProMIND] Activity log is now sent to the host client.c (native library) - [ProMIND] Added Client::Impl::logEvent(): Sends a log event to the host caller (app) - [ProMIND] Added Client::Impl::logFilter(): Checks whether a string can be sent to the log. It simply evaluates the presence of "forbidden" keys in a string. - [ProMIND] Activity log is now sent to the host OpenVPNTunnel.cs - [ProMIND] OnEvent(ref NativeMethods.ovpn3_event oe): complete rewrite in order to comply to new native library's logEvent api SupportTools.cs - [ProMIND] GetOpenVPNProfile(Android.Net.Uri profileUri): improved parser in order to avoid double entries MessageHandler.cs - [ProMIND] HandleMessage(Message msg): check for msg and m_handler to be valid and usable (not null) - [ProMIND] linked against mbedTLS instead of OpenSSL