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ANSWERED Port Forward check=red

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I am new to all this.  At first I forwarded a port and told utorrent to use it, I would check it periodically and it would be green.  All good.  Today it was red.  So I tried another port.  Red.  How can I fix this so no one is listening in on me?


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we confirm the problem. The port checker in several cases returns, wrongly, a red token. It's a false positive. An investigation will start soon to fix the problem. At the moment just make sure, as usual, that your remotely forwarded ports are closed on your router. Since you had green tokens until recently, most probably you have nothing to be worried about.


Kind regards

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Well I must confess I looked at "open" ports on my router and saw nothing, so I assume I am OK there.  I will continue as normal.  Thank you for your fast reply. 

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