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Fornacis canceled by provider

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We regret to inform you that due to 4 (four) alleged copyright infringement notices in the last 40 days, our provider decided to cancel Fornacis. ISP did not provide any proof of such alleged infringements. We apologize for the inconvenience clearly not caused by us, we'll look for alternative providers in France.


Kind regards

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I just bought 3 month :/ and no more french server.........


I hope u find a new providers as soon as possible.

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Is there a country you would prefer folks to use with bittorrent? One with less copyright notices and lots of servers in case service gets dropped?


I believe more and more server providers are just dropping service rather than forwarding copyright notices? So having a few preferred destinations that are not critical to anyone's web browsing might help?

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I just bought 3 month :/ and no more french server.........


I hope u find a new providers as soon as possible.




We will probably find a new one, in any case if you purchased the service specifically for usage in a France (a country we re-added just a month ago after 3 years) server, do not hesitate to ask for a refund, we will refund you fully.


Kind regards

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I hope you'll find one soon, I was using it... I am using other servers for the time being.

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Looking forward to a new french server.

I'm a french person living abroad and this was very useful for me.

best regards


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thanks for the update, i hope you can find a replacement. A server in France is great for geo localized content.

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Is there a country you would prefer folks to use with bittorrent? One with less copyright notices and lots of servers in case service gets dropped?


This. Any server/country that you reccommend we use to cause the least problems possible for you/us?

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Is there a country you would prefer folks to use with bittorrent? One with less copyright notices and lots of servers in case service gets dropped?


This. Any server/country that you reccommend we use to cause the least problems possible for you/us?




The "situation" is perfectly under control. As a courtesy (absolutely not an obligation) you might evaluate to use servers in the Netherlands.


Kind regards

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Dear Staff,

are you looking for a replacement server in France?






With reference to this:


routing anti-geo-IP-location based restrictions servers are not bound to our requirements for privacy legal framework etc., so we will evaluate your request without prejudice deriving by our strict requirements.




can you tell us if you need a French server to access some French services only (if any, which ones?) or you need a French server in general?


We ask because we have privacy problems with some datacenters we have contacted in France, they seriously fail comply to some of our non-negotiable privacy requirements; on the other hand, such compliance is not necessary for routing servers.


Kind regards

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Dear Staff,

are you looking for a replacement server in France?






With reference to this:


>routing anti-geo-IP-location based restrictions servers are not bound to our requirements for privacy legal framework etc., so we will evaluate your request without prejudice deriving by our strict requirements.




can you tell us if you need a French server to access some French services only (if any, which ones?) or you need a French server in general?


We ask because we have privacy problems with some datacenters we have contacted in France, they seriously fail comply to some of our non-negotiable privacy requirements; on the other hand, such compliance is not necessary for routing servers.


Kind regards




first i would like to say i am not sure i fully understood what the quote below meant.

routing anti-geo-IP-location based restrictions servers are not bound to our requirements for privacy legal framework etc., so we will evaluate your request without prejudice deriving by our strict requirements."


Nevertheless, speaking for myself only, i would love a french server so i can access services like videos on lequipe.fr or pluzz.francetv.fr


Thank you

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first i would like to say i am not sure i fully understood what the quote below meant.

routing anti-geo-IP-location based restrictions servers are not bound to our requirements for privacy legal framework etc., so we will evaluate your request without prejudice deriving by our strict requirements."


Nevertheless, speaking for myself only, i would love a french server so i can access services like videos on lequipe.fr or pluzz.francetv.fr


Thank you




"Routing servers" are used to re-route traffic to/from geo-restricted servers (see here: https://airvpn.org/forum/10-websites-support).


Thus, routing servers are never directly accessed by our clients, they just receive and send out encrypted traffic to/from some VPN server (accessed by the client), and send/receive unencrypted or encrypted traffic to/from the geo-discriminatory service requested by the client. As an important consequence, routing servers are not subject to our legal and privacy requirements for VPN servers: those requirements are fulfilled "higher in the chain", i.e. on the VPN servers.


That said, we have recorded your request and we'll work on that. For future requests, we have a dedicated forum section:



Kind regards

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