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I assume you may have heard about the latest attempt of the feds to invade American's privacy by forcing US companies to put a security vulnerabilities in their software so that they feds can easily hack through that back door and monitor our communications in real time. It's an extension CALEA to be exact. 


As long as we use encryption through foreign based VPNs and TOR we should be protected from those voyeuristic pigs but I found this statement in the article that was eyebrow raising to say the least:


"Foreign-based communications services that do business in the United States and small startups would also be subject to the procedures. Foreign-based companies would be required to have a point of contact on domestic soil that could be served with a wiretap order."


I assume that would not be enforceable on your end, but how would you respond to these requests. How could they enforce it? Suppose you don't have a contact on American soil, what will the US Govt. do? Block the site for US customers?


This is already getting hard opposition from Big tech companies and members of Congress. Let's hope it doesn't go through.

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Frankly we are not documented about what you say (it's very hard to keep following every and each draft law pertaining to privacy, data protection etc. in 14 countries). We'll investigate, thank you!


Kind regards

AirVPN Support Team

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Wonderful news! If this becomes a reality (*crosses fingers*), this will make every American business uncompetitive, completely destroying them in the process. Soon enough, America will stand toe to toe with the rest of the Third World, since it'll be part of it.

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