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problem with portforwarding

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why cant i port forward i was able to open a udp port but it still not open when i check on canyouseeme.org or i cant open a port on usb modem pls attend to me quick.... i will buy this vpn sake of portforwarding try and help me with it thankxx

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Please make sure that the service you wish to be reachable on your device is running and listening to the correct port when the test is performed. Also, test with canyouseeme may be misleading with UDP, it's better that you test your service reachability by yourself.


Kind regards

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but why is tcp ports are always not reachable?




There may be several reasons: the service expects UDP packets, the service does not reply within the timeout, the service is forcefully bound to the physical interface etc. Can you provide additional details about the service you have issues with?


Kind regards

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