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Ubuntu 13.04 Should I upgrade

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Hello, I have been using the classic Gnome interface on Ubuntu 12.10 because Gnome 3 doesn't have the option to import an Open VPN configuration. I have been reading that the latest release doesn't have the Classic Gnome and I don't know if Gnome 3.6 or 3.8 has that option in Network Configuration Manager. If nothing has changed with the Network config in the Unity Interface it should be ok. Has anybody downloaded the beta and has had success configuring AirVpn with it?

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I found that you can invoke the old applet with nm-connection-editor. Hopefully that feature is present in 13.04

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in 13.04 go to network settings - click the plus sign - choose VPN from the drop down menu - create -

and under "Choose a VPN connection Type" choose from the drop down menu - "Import a Saved VPN connection, then follow the usual steps. 

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