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Where can I learn more about airvpn

Airvpn was founded when? have other products?

has no records for anyone ...

can "force" Airvpn put records (ips)

or disable their service forever.

thank you

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Where can I learn more about airvpn

Airvpn was founded when? have other products?

has no records for anyone ...

can "force" Airvpn put records (ips)

or disable their service forever.

thank you


Thank you for your questions. They give us a chance to recall the path that AirVPN has followed: the story so far. This admin apologizes in advance for maybe excessive "magniloquent" overview, it's only due to the pride that the whole team feels for the project. :)

Please read the ToS and the Privacy Notice, and search around for additional information from independent sources...

AirVPN started as a project of a very small group of activists, hacktivists, hackers in 2010, with the invaluable (and totally free) help of two fantastic lawyers and a financing from a company interested in the project and operated by the very same people.

The Pirate festival held in Rome and a lucky coincidence were decisive for the project. An extraordinary confluence of energies, ideas and persons took place there. Including people from NEXA, Telecomix, Juliagruppen, the swedish Pirate Party, the italian Pirate Party association, activists from Mexico and the USA, lawyers with high competences in privacy, data protection and so-called "Intellectual property" fields, it was the perfect place and time to envision the project.

AirVPN started as a completely free service for anyone in april 2010. Soon it added a commercial side aimed to keep the project financially sustainable, capable to support the impact of free access to activists in human rights hostile countries and ensure to the team a monetary basis which could allow a full-time dedication.

Initially AirVPN had two dedicated servers in one country and was operated by Iridium, a company which was born in 1998 and that employed, in the telecommunication field, only persons involved in digital or non-digital civil activism. Iridium took care of AirVPN until November 2012, when all the handling was progressively transferred to a dedicated company (Air) with the very same persons and policies (no changes for the customers, for the privacy and for the data protection, even the privacy legal responsible person is the same one).

Today, AirVPN is operated exclusively by activists, privacy, data protection and security issues aware persons, law experts with the help of the same lawyers, and counts more than 40 servers (of which 27 for VPN access, and two more will be added very soon) with high bandwidth lines and good or top hardware in 15 datacenters across 10 countries in 3 continents. The solidity of the infrastructure is enhanced literally every week, so that most attacks (UDP and TCP flood, DDoS...) that caused service issues in the first AirVPN year of life now remain totally unnoticed to the users.

The customer service is not and has never been outsourced in order to provide high quality of support.

Access to servers is restricted to an essential core of the team and any access outside this core must be authorized and performed under controlled conditions. No database is kept on any VPN server. The database is clustered across backend dedicated servers which never communicate directly with any client or with any other host outside our servers (nobody knows, except three persons, where the backend servers are located and additional security systems are in place to prevent any direct access to the database from outside the backend servers -not even the VPN servers really communicate directly with the database).

As far as we know, AirVPN is the only VPN in the world which transparently let anyone access a servers monitor on the www, updated every 60 seconds, to check the infrastructure status and verify that we respect our no-overselling and guaranteed allocated bandwidth commitments stated in the ToS. AirVPN also provides some features which might go unnoticed to the masses but which are important, such as separate entry and exit IP addresses on every VPN server to prevent some correlation attacks, typical on VPNs with a shared IP which is used both as entry and exit-IP address.

A tiny VPN if compared to the giants of the sector, but a small "miracle" in consideration of the no-security-compromise policies: no PPTP, no whistles and bells to mislead gullible customers, no investments in advertising, harsh contrasts against a project of sharing data with an association of VPN operators "to prevent frauds and improper use of the services", boycott from several ISPs due to our no-compromise network neutrality and privacy policy, no bribes for favorable reviews in some web sites.

On the contrary, above all, a lot of passion for what we do. We all feel that AirVPN is completely different from a commercial enterprise which aims exclusively to profits. Profits are important for us, otherwise keeping this infrastructure would be impossible, but they come after the security for our users and the respect of our policies and commitments.

An episode may be interesting to evaluate our determination: a vile and sudden suspension of service by a major datacenters operator in France in 2010 (all paid servers cancelled without prior notice and without any explanation - still today we have no explanation for that). We had everything there, except the database, so we had to re-start almost from scratch, but the service stayed down for only 4 days.

At the end of 2012, a dedicated company has been founded, exclusively to operate the fiscal side of the project and the handling of the data according to the relevant legal framework in an optimal way. You can find the name of the legal responsible person for privacy and data protection in the Privacy Notice (he's the same old one :) ). The Air company operates exclusively AirVPN, and will be involved only in AirVPN strictly related side projects about network neutrality and censorship circumvention (we'll have some news on that probably within the first half of 2013).

In the ToS, you see that in practice we reserve the right to terminate the service whenever we wish. In the worst case you may lose 54 EUR. We have no intentions to terminate the service and the company is florid (no loss, and money for expansion - just look at how many servers we added in the last quarter - and they are real dedicated servers with dedicated bandwidth on network neutral datacenter with tier1 providers connected Points of Presence, not VPS or shared bw like the servers of some of our competitors), but if you don't feel too comfortable with risking 54 EUR, we provide subscriptions for 4 days, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months. All in all, even banks can go bankrupt... or maybe they can't? :D

Kind regards

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A beautiful story about the founding of this service. Thank you very much for sharing it.

On the contrary, above all, a lot of passion for what we do. We all feel that AirVPN is completely different from a commercial enterprise which aims exclusively to profits. Profits are important for us, otherwise keeping this infrastructure would be impossible, but they come after the security for our users and the respect of our policies and commitments.

If every company were run with respect to the quality and integrity of its products and services first, and its profits second, the world would be an infinitely better place than it is right now. Again, thank you for doing what you're doing. It's why I signed up for your service in the first place.

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What has been said in this write up is exactly the reason I have been with Air for over 6 months, and will not be going anywhere soon


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That's an amazing summary of the company's development! I hope Airvpn continues to do well and doesn't deteriorate or get into trouble.

I feel good contributing to the project in any small way, even if it's only by subscribing.

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I have been reading here and I am active over at Wilder's Security. I sent a request to try this service out. Today I joined the forum under this name and sent another request. I want to try for a couple of days and I am ready to join for a year too. Hopefully someone will see this request if not the one in support that I sent.

Looking forward to hanging around here.

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@Admin you should really post that story on a dedicated page like "About Us".

I'm a User of AirVPN since about six month now and I am very happy with the service and the support they provide. For me this really is the best VPN provider there is.

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I love the fact that we can use VPN and surf the web without worry about if someone is watching us.

Did the Trial?

Because I wanted to see how fast I can surf the web

Did a 3 month?

Did that just to ensure payment goes through and all that wonderful stuff

Did a Year?

yes, just did a Year, because 3 months coming to an end...and I am pretty sure, if we SUPPORT AirVPN with yearly subscription, it will not only help there infrastructure, but probably get us to the next level of Internet security, faster than most people...

It's best kept secrete and sometimes its good to be the quiet one and just mind your business...So welcome whoever new people are!

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Thank you all, it's great to see that the service meets your expectations and requirements.

We have enabled an additional servers monitor (still in beta testing, but the web page is open now) that you might like:


You can see a graphical matrix obtained with pings and detected packet loss of each Air VPN server to and from every other Air VPN server. It is very useful to see whether there are network issues between any node.

Kind regards

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Thank you for the explanation and status2 page.

I love the fact that the entry and exit ip's are separate along with your policies.

Keep up the great work...

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