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Hello, i'm a relatively new use here. I got Airvpn mainly for port forwarding. it worked great for a couple of days, and now im gettting very slow download/Upload speed. even when opening a website, it takes a couple of seconds to load. the only thing that may have caused it. 
i had malwarebytes and swindscribe vpn. 2 days ago i uninstalled windscribe. and reinstalled malwarebytes. 
i Uninstaller Malearebytes, thinking it may have blocked it somehow, eventhough i added an exception. 
i'm not a very advanced user, and im using Eddie-UI. 
Thank you in advance

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You have to give few more details about your setup. It's a very small chance that AirVPN's servers are at fault here for the slow speeds. Nobody else is experiencing such slow speeds - I don't know what you mean by even a website takes a couple of seconds to load. If it takes 5/6 seconds, it could be the DNS resolver to blame and not the vpn server speed. If it takes 2 seconds maybe because of your antivirus doing an additional check (running it through a blacklist or something like this).

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Moi aussi j'ai un problème avec eddi, lorsque je le démarre ma vitesse de 120 mégabites passe a 20 mégabites. j'aimerais savoir quest-ce qu'il faut que je vérifie?

[I too have a problem with Eddie, when I start it up my speed of 120 megabits drops to 20 megabits. I'd like to know what I need to check?] {-- translated by Staff}

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12 hours ago, cheese11825 said:

I too have a problem with Eddie, when I start it up my speed of 120 megabits drops to 20 megabits. I'd like to know what I need to check?

Please open your own thread. Do not hijack the threads of others.
And please use English. Even broken or translated English is okay.


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