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ANSWERED Very slow download speeds on Chicago servers

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I've been noticing this problem for atleast several days now across all Chicago servers. Occasionally one will work as expected but frequently one or all Chicago servers the download speeds are dropping to below 1mpbs rendering them unusable. Strangely the upload speeds are still working normally, only download speeds are effected. Also seeing roughly 20% packet loss on these Chicago servers currently. I just tested all Chicago servers right now and seeing the same problem on all of them. Also tested Chertan Miami FL server and no speed issues there to report as well as 0% packet loss. Screenshots are attached. 

Chicago Servers:


Chertan Miami FL Server:


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The problem is probably on your side because among the top speeds, there are about ten users connected to Chicago servers, so at this moment Chicago servers are providing top performance in the whole world infrastructure. Does anybody else who reads this message experience such a poor performance? 0.08 Mbit/s is so low that some specific local problem is possible.

Recorded packet loss is 0% from and to any other VPN server in the world infrastructure, a strong clue suggesting that everything is fine.

Kind regards

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