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ANSWERED Server Name / Cities List Fails Check

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Hi all, thanks for the hard work to keep the service running smoothly. I use AirVPN on a Synology NAS inside a gluetun docker as well as with Wireguard on my desktop. 

Both were using Alkes - now retired - so i tried to reconfigure to another server. The gluetun project kept throwing errors when trying a handful of the other California servers.

I tried Bunda (San Jose), Saclateni (Los Angeles), and Aquila (Fremont) - none worked - before finally using Teegarden (Los Angeles) which worked fine.

After trial and error, the key seemed to be that Teegarden is listed in the Server List and Los Angeles is listed in the City List that gluetun verifies the YAML config against. For all the other servers, either the city (like San Jose) or the server (like Saclateni) would return an error and the project won't compile. Is this something that needs to be updated, or have i made a novice config mistake somewhere?

Thanks, much appreciated!

Here's the text of the error when i try to config for Saclateni, for example:

ERROR VPN settings: provider settings: server selection: for VPN service provider airvpn: the server name specified is not valid: value is not one of the possible choices: value saclateni, choices available are Acamar, Achernar, Achird, Adhara, Agena, Ain, Alamak, Alathfar, Albaldah, Albali, Alchiba, Alcor, Alcyone, Alderamin, Algieba, Algorab, Alhena, Aljanah, Alkes, Alkurhah, Alnitak, Alphard, Alphecca, Alpheratz, Alphirk, Alrai, Alrami, Alruba, Alsephina, Alshain, Alshat, Altarf, Alterf, Aludra, Alula, Alwaid, Alya, Alzirr, Ancha, Andromeda, Angetenar, Anser, Antares, Apus, Aquila, Arion, Arkab, Asellus, Aspidiske, Asterion, Asterope, Atik, Atria, Auriga, Avior, Azmidiske, Baiten, Beemim, Benetnasch, Betelgeuse, Bharani, Biham, Bootes, Caelum, Camelopardalis, Canes, Canis, Capella, Caph, Capricornus, Carinae, Castor, Celaeno, Centaurus, Cephei, Cepheus, Cervantes, Chalawan, Chamaeleon, Chara, Chort, Chow, Circinus, Columba, Comae, Copernicus, Crater, Cujam, Cursa, Cygnus, Dalim, Delphinus, Denebola, Diadema, Diphda, Dorado, Dubhe, Edasich, Elnath, Eltanin, Enif, Equuleus, Errai, Fang, Fawaris, Felis, Fleed, Fomalhaut, Fulu, Garnet, Gemini, Geminorum, Gianfar, Gienah, Ginan, Gorgonea, Groombridge, Grus, Haedus, Hamal, Hassaleh, Helvetios, Hercules, Horologium, Hyadum, Hydra, Hydrus, Iklil, Indus, Intercrus, Iskandar, Jabbah, Kajam, Kitalpha, Kitel, Kocab, Kruger, Lacaille, Lacerta, Larawag, Leo, Lesath, Libra, Lich, Luhman, Lupus, Luyten, Maasym, Markab, Marsic, Matar, Mebsuta, Meissa, Mekbuda, Melnick, Menkab, Menkalinan, Mensa, Merga, Merope, Mesarthim, Metallah, Minchir, Mintaka, Mirach, Miram, Mirfak, Mirzam, Muhlifain, Muphrid, Musca, Muscida, Musica, Nahn, Naos, Nash, Nashira, Norma, Ogma, Okab, Ophiuchus, Orbitar, Orion, Pegasus, Phact, Phaet, Phoenix, Pisces, Piscium, Pleione, Pollux, Pyxis, Ran, Regulus, Ross, Rotanev, Rukbat, Sabik, Sadalbari, Sadr, Saiph, Salm, Sargas, Schedir, Sculptor, Scuti, Scutum, Serpens, Sextans, Sham, Sharatan, Sheliak, Sirrah, Situla, Sneden, Struve, Sualocin, Subra, Suhail, Superba, Taiyi, Talitha, Taphao, Tarazed, Taurus, Teegarden, Tegmen, Tejat, Telescopium, Tiaki, Tianyi, Titawin, Triangulum, Tucana, Turais, Tyl, Ukdah, Ursa, Veritate, Virgo, Volans, Vulpecula, Wazn, Westerlund, Wurren, Xuange, Yildun, Zibal, Zuben

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Where is this list of possible choices coming from? Wherever it is, that's where it must be updated.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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We fear that Gluetun's server list is hard coded here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qdm12/gluetun/master/internal/storage/servers.json
Saclateni is not included in that list, maybe the list must be updated manually?

To avoid hard coded lists a developer could parse the AirVPN manifest. How to download and how to parse the manifest must be seen on Eddie Android (Java) or AirVPN Suite (C++) source code, which is (in our opinion) very readable and well commented. A developer could also use the Bluetit daemon (developer's reference manual available here) for all the needed operations for a full integration with AirVPN (Bluetit exposes a D-Bus interface), although the integration requires that the target functions and/or classes are developed according to the AirVPN–SUITE classes marshaling mechanism (thoroughly documented anyway).

However, there is no official document describing the manifest format and the procedure to download it from the bootstrap servers, we're sorry. We might plan a fully documented API for third party developers so they don't need hard coded lists of servers and IP addresses, or we might document the manifest download procedure and its format... we'll think about it.

Kind regards

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On 2/13/2024 at 8:07 PM, Hypertext1071 said:

Hi all, I also ran into this issue not being able to use the new servers on Gluetun. What I did was downloaded the Wireguard config from client area and referenced the setup instructions from Gluetun for using custom Wireguard config and everything works smoothly. You will want to add the FIREWALL_VPN_INPUT_PORTS option to port forward btw. I hope this helps!

Thank you! I didn't even think of trying this, but it works for me. I was attempting to use the update feature built into Gluetun, but I found out that my Truecharts apps with the Gluetun addon do not provide persistent storage, which meant my server list wouldn't update. So, I was kind of at a loss until I tried this.

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