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Unable to Print via LAN when using Eddie

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Hi All

I have been using AirVPN with the Eddie Client for Mac since moving from Mulvad. Mulvad allowed me to Print documents from my mac to my Networked printer however I don't seem to be able to find the printer when using Eddie and need to disconnect from the VPN to print. Is there a simple way to print on my Lan whilst connected to VPN? Thanks

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Probably because NetLock is engaged you lose connectivity to your local network. Please provide a system report after a connection for confirmation:.


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8 hours ago, OpenSourcerer said:

Probably because NetLock is engaged you lose connectivity to your local network. Please provide a system report after a connection for confirmation:


Thanks. I just assumed having this setting checked would still allow for LAN Printing  when Netlock is on. Is that not the case?

Screen Shot 2023-11-06 at 11.31.56 am.png

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Just a thought: if you access the printer via name, the VPN DNS can't know it so your printer name can't be resolved. Have you already tried to access the printer via its IP address?

Kind regards

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Posted ... (edited)

im having the same issue also when ive got network lock on using default wireguard protocol on the eddie client win10 it doesnt block all internet and cant access local share even using ip or hostname with the allow/lan/private option ticked


Edited ... by lookatme123

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11 hours ago, lookatme123 said:

im having the same issue also when ive got network lock on using default wireguard protocol on the eddie client win10 it doesnt block all internet and cant access local share even using ip or hostname with the allow/lan/private option ticked


Add the local/internal IP addresses designate which device in a local network is your computer or associated device to Network lock > Addresses allowed > the complete IP range or the internal IPv4 of the device you try to reach via your local network for example:


You're not afraid of the dark web, are you ?

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Same here. I'm on macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, Eddie 2.24.6, using WireGuard and Netlock, and connections to my local network LAN don't work when the VPN is on (even after I added 172.168.x.0/24 to the allowed IPs). 

% nc -v 172.168.x.y 1234
nc: connectx to 172.168.x.y port 1234 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

Any idea?
I have iCloud Private Relay running, but that should affect only Safari, not nc.


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Oh, needed to put the IP range in both text boxes, inward and outward connections. Now it works. Still weird, and are well known private network ranges, why does one have to specify it even after ticking "allow local"?

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32 minutes ago, c69c7kfrv48fuJ8Re44C said:

Still weird, and are well known private network ranges, why does one have to specify it even after ticking "allow local"?


We will consult with Eddie's developer but at a first glance it's (perhaps) because the "Allow local" option acts on the Network Lock rules only, while by adding addresses you also force Eddie to modify the routing table. This is necessary with WireGuard as its userland utilities (necessary because there is no WireGuard library or kernel module in macOS) are launched by Eddie through a profile that makes all the IP address space fall into the VPN tunnel.

Kind regards

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