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ANSWERED Routes to whitelist only specific destinations

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I am trying to setup the following routes configuration in Eddie, but having no luck:

* By default, all traffic is outside VPN
* One site is routed inside the VPN

I've tried adding to the outside list in routes and added the destination IP that I want to be inside in the routes tab, but no luck.

Could anyone please advise on how I could achieve this?

Best wishes,


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Just to say, for anyone else who wants to know, that I think I solved this myself!

1. In routes, add the IPs that you want to be routed through the VPN.
2. In DNS, switch to "Disabled" but also add your DNS servers.
3. In Networking, untick "Remove the gateway route" and set "Layer IPv4" to "Outside Tunnel". (You can do the same for IPv6 if required. Untick "Switch to 'Block' if issue is detected.)
4. Under Network Lock select Mode: None; Incoming: Allow; Outgoing: Allow.

This then seemed to work for me.

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