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Eddie OSX and Zerotier - Improve performance

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Hello! I use Eddie for OSX on 10.13 and I'm trying to also use Zerotier One, because of other reasons not relevant in here. The thing is that the moment I activate Eddie the connection to Zerotier is lost. It may connect after a while (from 24 to 48 hs later) and everytime I reconnect with Eddie the same happens. I contacted the people from Zerotier and they told that maybe the VPN is blocking UDP ports. Zerotier creates a feth/ipv4 interface.
I'm not a genius with networking, sorry for that ;·)
Is there a something that I can do to improve the performance of Zerotier while using Eddie, or if there is an alternative way of using it like making Zerotier bypass the VPN?
I can provide all the necessary information and make tests, but for the moment I'm a little bit lost. Any help will be appreciate it, thanks in advance.

For more information, IPV6 is not being used.

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Is Network Lock being activated in Eddie on connect? If so, this is where it might be blocking.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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Hello OpenSourcerer, thanks for your interest in helping.
Network Lock is only active while Eddie is running.
I have not implemented to activate Network Lock at startup. After Eddie starts, it is in automatic mode, blocking incoming and outgoing, allowing Lan.
As I mentioned, while Eddie is not connected to the VPN (but still open), Zerotier connects immediately. That is why I think that there is something going on while I'm connected to the VPN. 

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24 minutes ago, Searching said:

Network Lock is only active while Eddie is running.

If you disable NetLock, or simply don't enable it, does Zerotier still not connect immediately when connected to AirVPN?


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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2 hours ago, OpenSourcerer said:

If you disable NetLock, or simply don't enable it, does Zerotier still not connect immediately when connected to AirVPN?
Hello OpenSourcerer. No luck with Network Lock disabled. I deactivated it and restarted Eddie, connected to the VPN and more of the same ;·(
The moment I connect the VPN, Zerotier gets disconnected. Now I'll have to wait and see how much tome does it takes to reconnect.
It was a nice try that I did not think :·)
I'll continue investigating and report back, and if anybody has any idea, I'm all ears.

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Posted ... (edited)

Hello. I tried in Eddie with Network Lock allowing outgoing and incoming ( IP's from my managed network in Zerotier) without luck. Then I deleted them and tried with Routes in Eddie (same Ip's), also without luck. I'm starting to have no more ideas. (Is there a way to let Eddie connect to port 9993 UDP?)
The results for the moment are the same as in my first post. The moment that Eddie connects to the VPN, Zerotier gets disconnected.
Any help will be appreciate it. Thanks!

PD: from Zerotier they sent me to this information Router Configuration Tips

Edited ... by Searching

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I see. I think the biggest problem is this:

  • A random, high numbered port derived from your ZeroTier address
  • A random, high numbered port for use with UPnP/NAT-PMP mappings
Random ports will not work with AirVPN port forwarding. UPnP/NAT-PMP is not supported. Did you forward port 9993 or a different one?

You most probably get disconnected because both random ports are suddenly closed when you connect to AirVPN, terminating ZeroTier connections.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Thanks OpenSourcerer for your answer. Now I'm in the process to see if I can make ZeroTier redirect the traffic of my ZeroTier IP to the AirVPN server exit-IP, where I have opened a port that forwards to my local port 9993. Hope it makes sense.
As I'm not an expert, I'm running out of ideas. Any new idea will be welcomed ;·)

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