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newbie question:
Is somewhere a test where I could see/test which VPN server out of many , should i pick?
To avoid trying multiple 1by1 on router setup...


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Posted ... (edited)

Migrated from OpenVPN to test some Wireguard speeds this weekend.
pfSense 24.11, IPSec-MB enabled, Xeon-d 2100, CPU load ~40%. Limited by Frontier's fibre gigabit connection. 


Edited ... by dIecbasC
Router spec's

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7 hours ago, dIecbasC said:

Migrated from OpenVPN to test some Wireguard speeds this weekend.
pfSense 24.11, IPSec-MB enabled, Xeon-d 2100, CPU load ~40%. Limited by Frontier's fibre gigabit connection. 


How do you make your download speed visible at the top user speed on that section? I couldn't find and answer to that anywhere. Reaching speeds well above anyone there, but still not on that list for some reason.

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3 hours ago, pukiman said:
11 hours ago, dIecbasC said:

Migrated from OpenVPN to test some Wireguard speeds this weekend.
pfSense 24.11, IPSec-MB enabled, Xeon-d 2100, CPU load ~40%. Limited by Frontier's fibre gigabit connection. 


How do you make your download speed visible at the top user speed on that section? I couldn't find and answer to that anywhere. Reaching speeds well above anyone there, but still not on that list for some reason.

That's an average speed over several minutes.  So doing a speed test with ookla, for example, won't be reflected there.

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1 hour ago, go558a83nk said:

That's an average speed over several minutes.  So doing a speed test with ookla, for example, won't be reflected there.
Thanks. This works.

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