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Free access

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In the next hours we will be launching a free access program aimed to promote our premium service, thwart censorship and aid activists in hostile regimes. This is a first phase to bring back free access to those who really need it and at the same time to defeat scammers who were reselling our free service to unaware victims.

The program will give free access to all premium servers, with certain limitations to prevent impact on premium members, while blocking scammers. There will be high rotation and fast queues to avoid resource hogging and leeching by single nodes as it happened, unfortunately, with the previous free service. Please remember that bandwidth priority goes to the premium members: without them our project would be unsustainable.

Activists and people in countries which actively censor the Internet shuld either contact us in private or refer to the Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau via a secured connection (use TOR and https and a safe e-mail address). Telecomix agents can be contacted almost 24h/24 and offer a variety of free solutions to enhance privacy and anonymity and bypass censorship. They also may help you set up I2P connections and more!

IRC: irc.telecomix.org, port 9999 (SSL/TLS) or 6667 (warning, no encryption on port 6667); if you can't use an IRC client, access here: https://chat.telecomix.org

Channel #telekompaketet. Ask there, they also have lulcatz and cakes. You can access IRC via I2P too.

People who want to have a trial period to premium servers are welcome to contact us in private (menu "Support"-->"Contact us").

Finally, follow us on Twitter, to have further news and special offers for free access and discounts.


You can start contacts right now.

Kind regards

AirVPN admins

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thax adming for such a nice trial, can i just ask when will free service start?

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sandeep88822 wrote:

thax adming for such a nice trial, can i just ask when will free service start?

Hello! It has already started! Please feel free to follow the steps reported in the first message of the thread to access the free service.

Kind regards

AirVPN admins

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<strong>admin wrote:</strong>

<strong>sandeep88822 wrote:</strong>

thax adming for such a nice trial, can i just ask when will free service start?

Hello! It has already started! Please feel free to follow the steps reported in the first message of the thread to access the free service.

Kind regards

AirVPN admins

thx. admin i will try it out and let u know how it goes.

i love airvpn free service more than nything else coz i can't afford to pay being a normal indian student

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oicit wrote:

Hey Admin, how can I be activated the access?

Hello! Please see all the details in the first message of this thread.

Kind regards

AirVPN admins

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<strong>nikhil1994 wrote:</strong>

sandeep are you to able to connect to free servers.if yes then tell me the procedure

yes i m able, procedure is very simple yar click on the link admin has provided

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just contact admin by using contact us link saying to activate my account.i have just send message.wait for admin to reply

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Free activations have been delivered.

If you have contacted us but you have not received your free activation: your request could not be completed and will be reviewed in the next hours.

[EDIT] Please note that only one free access per account is allowed. You are kindly requested not to apply multiple times, in the same period, for free service.

Kind regards

AirVPN admins

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nirmal.singhania2009 wrote:

hey admin is this a trial or free service is activated again.

or can we use this for a limited time or can we use trial again and again


Yes, the free service is active again. You can use the trial again with longer period if you can't subscribe to the premium service. There might be queues, we have 16000 non-paying users and the infrastructure can not provide a decent bandwidth for all of them for free.

On the contrary, there are no limitations if you're an activist in a freedom of expression hostile regime. Please find more details on the first message of this thread.

Kind regards

AirVPN admins

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nirmal.singhania2009 wrote:

what do do if we completed our trial period :dry: :dry: :dry:


If the service meets your expectations and requirements, as we hope, either you decide to subscribe to the premium service, or you re-apply for free service. Please note that if you're an activist in a freedom of expression hostile country, you can jump queues for the free service right away.

Kind regards

AirVPN admins

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