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Eddie Android edition 2.1 released

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We're glad to inform you that Eddie for Android and Android TV version 2.1 has been released!

You can download Eddie from the Google Play Store:
You can also download Eddie Android 2.1 apk directly from our repository:


At the moment Amazon Appstore still features Eddie 2.0.1 but the approval process for version 2.1 should be completed soon, at least according to what Amazon claims.
The application is fully localized. Current implemented languages: Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Turkish.

Eddie for Android 2.1 is a major refinement of version 2.0.1 and implements several features which were suggested by the community. It also underwent a deep re-engineering of some architectural components which translates into higher stability, correct co-existence with other VPN and non-VPN applications and in general improved events handling.
Eddie for Android is free and open source software released under GPLv3. We invite you to check from independent 3rd parties the lack of trackers code signatures, for example here: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/search/org.airvpn.eddie


Source code is available on GitLab:

Main features:

  • Free and open source OpenVPN GUI based on OpenVPN 3
  • The only Android application officially developed by AirVPN
  • Robust, best effort prevention of traffic leaks outside the VPN tunnel
  • Battery-conscious application
  • Low RAM footprint
  • Ergonomic and friendly interface
  • Ability to start and connect the application at device boot
  • Option to define which apps must have traffic inside or outside the VPN tunnel through white and black list
  • Localization in traditional and simplified Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
  • Full integration with AirVPN
  • Enhanced security thanks to locally stored encrypted data through master password
  • Quick one-tap connection and smart, fully automated server selection
  • Smart server selection with custom settings
  • Manual server selection
  • Smart attempts to bypass OpenVPN blocks featuring protocol and server fail-over
  • Full Android TV compatibility including D-Pad support. Mouse emulation is not required.
  • Enhancements aimed to increase accessibility and comfort to visually impaired persons
  • AirVPN servers sorting options
  • Customizable "Favorite" and "Forbidden" servers and countries
  • OpenVPN mimetype support to import profiles from external applications

NEW: Eddie for Android 2.1 - Release notes

  • Multiple OpenVPN profile support. The app now imports and manages multiple OpenVPN profiles
  • Support for custom bootstrap servers
  • Support for favorite and forbidden countries
  • AirVPN broadcast messages support
  • User's subscription expiration date is now shown in login/connection information
  • The app is now aware of concurrent VPN use. In case another app is granted VPN access, Eddie acts accordingly and releases VPN resources
  • Optional local networks access. In such case, local network devices are exempted from the VPN and can be accessed within the local devices
  • Localization override. The user can now choose the default language and localization from one of the available ones
  • Favorite and forbidden lists can now be emptied with a single tap
  • VPN Lock can now be disabled or enabled from settings
  • VPN reconnection in case of unexpected OpenVPN disconnection. (It requires VPN Lock to be disabled)
  • User can now generate an OpenVPN profile for any AirVPN server or country and save it in OpenVPN profile manager
  • Danish, Dutch, simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese localization
  • New server scoring algorithm implementing the latest AirVPN balancing factors in order to determine the best server for quick connection
  • Network name and extra information are now shown along with network type
  • Better device network status management
  • Bug fixes


Changelog 2.1 (VC 18) - Release date: 13 March 2019 by ProMIND

- [ProMIND] Production release
Changelog 2.1 RC 1 (VC 17) - Release date: 8 March 2019 by ProMIND

- [NEgiXr] Added Simplified Chinese localization
- [NEgiXr] Added Traditional Chinese localization
- [anonymous] Added Dutch localization
- [ProMIND] Native Library: updated openvpn3, mbedtls, asio, lz4 and boost 1.69.0 from their respective repositories
- [ProMIND] Native Library: fine tuning of compilation options in order to avoid TCP crash in arm32 architecture
- [ProMIND] Updated default manifest.xml


- [ProMIND] CountryContinent(): Added support for simplified and traditional chinese


- [ProMIND] onCreate(): BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE and BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME are now sent to the Log


- [ProMIND] The status of VPN Lock and LAN exclusion are now reported to the log at connection
- [ProMIND] In case network connection is MOBILE, LAN exclusion is ignored and forced into the tunnel


- [ProMIND] onCreate(): BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE and BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME are now exported to the Log header
- [ProMIND] onCreate(): Settings dump is now exported to the log file


- [ProMIND] It now signals whether the app is in foreground by using SupportTools.setAppIsVisible()


- [ProMIND] Added NetworkType enum
- [ProMIND] Added getConnectionType() method to properly determine connection type according to NetworkType enum
- [ProMIND] Added a more accurate control in order to avoid duplicate events from BroadcastReceiver


- [ProMIND] ApplicationListLoader class: Package list is now loaded in a UI Thread


- [ProMIND] Added dump() method. Returns a complete dump of the current settings


- [ProMIND] Added methods setAppIsVisible() and isAppIsVisible()
- [ProMIND] All information dialogs are now shown only in case the app is in foreground
Changelog 2.1 beta 2 (VC 16) - Release date: 25 February 2019 by ProMIND


- [ProMIND] networkDescription(): Fixed Android 9 compatibility
Eddie for Android 2.1 beta 1 - ChangeLog

Changelog 2.1 (VC 15) - Release date: 22 February 2019 by ProMIND

- [ProMIND] Fixed minor bugs reported in crash reports
- [ProMIND] Added country_menu, whitelist_country_menu and blacklist_country_menu menu resource files
- [ProMIND] Added new class OpenVPNProfileDatabase for storing and managing multiple OpenVPN profiles
- [staff] Added Danish localization


- [ProMIND] getFilteredServerList() now filters server list according to white and black listed countries


- [ProMIND] Added private properties load_factor and users_factor to conform to new manifest.xml layout
- [ProMIND] Property speedFactor datatype changed to double
- [ProMIND] Added class Message representing Manifest's messages to be shown to the user


- [ProMIND] computeServerScore(): score is now computed according to new AirVPNManifest's speedFactor, loadFactor and userFactor
- [ProMIND] getOpenVPNProfile() can now generate country profiles


- [ProMIND] Added daysToExpiration property to reflect the number of days to AirVPN subscription expiration according to expirationDate property


- [ProMIND] Added new class which replaced and superseeded the old one. It takes care of launching the last connected OpenVPN profile at boot time

client.cpp (native library)

- [ProMIND] Client::Impl::socket_protect() updated interface according to new OpenVPN3 interface


- [ProMIND] Long press on "favorite" and "forbidden" lists now enables "empty list" context menu
- [ProMIND] AirVPN subscription expiration is now shown in network/vpn status dialog box
- [ProMIND] AirVPN user name is now shown in network/vpn status dialog box
- [ProMIND] CreateGroupList() added support for favorite and forbidden countries management
- [ProMIND] Added methods addCountryToFavorites(), removeCountryFromFavorites(), addCountryToForbidden() and removeCountryFromForbidden()
- [ProMIND] AirVPNServerExpandableListAdapter class: added support for showing and managing countries views as child items in favorite and forbidden groups
- [ProMIND] Added OnItemLongClickListener() to ListView in order to show a message in case item long press and user not logged in to AirVPN
- [ProMIND] Added exportToOpenVPNProfiles() for exporting AirVPN OpenVPN profiles in user's profile list


- [ProMIND] Removed showErrorMessage() method. VPN errors are now displayed to txtVpnStatus TextView
- [ProMIND] Removed connection error layout. All VPN errors are now sent to the log and displayed to txtVpnStatus TextView
- [ProMIND] Class now implements EddieEventListener in order to manage VPN events on its own
- [ProMIND] Connection info box now shows OpenVPN profile name in OpenVPN profile connection mode


- [ProMIND] Added ListView for stored OpenVPN profiles and made it fully Android TV compliant for dpad navigation
- [ProMIND] Added connectDatabaseOpenVPNProfile() for connecting a stored OpenVPN profile


- [ProMIND] Set a new connection sequence: second attempt is now TCP,443 instead of UDP,53 (which is now third)


- [ProMIND] Load country list according to user locale setting


- [ProMIND] Removed tryRestoreLastProfile(). To start the VPN at boot, this class now starts an intent of BootVPNActivity class


- [ProMIND] Better concurrency support: events are now synchronized and use a local clone of EddieEventListener ArrayList


- [ProMIND] Added Android Fingerprint to log


- [ProMIND] updateConnectionStatus does not longer propagate VPNManager's events. VPNManager events are now properly managed by EddieEvent class
- [ProMIND] Implemented onSaveInstanceState() to save fragments' state
- [ProMIND] Implemented onRestoreInstanceState() to restore fragments' state
- [ProMIND] onAirVPNManifestChanged() check for manifest's broadcast messages and shows them to the user
- [ProMIND] Added setVpnManager() method in order to set vpnManager object in case the VPN is started by an external event, such as BootVPNActivity class
- [ProMIND] In case of unexpected OpenVPN disconnection, it retries to reconnect to the VPN when the user has set "VPN reconnection" in settings


- [ProMIND] Added ExtraInfo and SubtypeName to network description


- [ProMIND] Changed networkStatusChanged() return type to void
- [ProMIND] VPN Lock is now engaged according to "VPN Lock" setting


- [ProMIND] AirVPN subscription expiration is now shown in network/vpn status box


- [ProMIND] Added VPN Lock setting
- [ProMIND] Added VPN reconnection setting
- [ProMIND] Added custom bootstrap setting
- [ProMIND] Added language selection setting
- [ProMIND] Added exclude local networks setting


- [ProMIND] Added methods getAirVPNCountryWhitelist(), setAirVPNCountryWhitelist(), isAirVPNCountryWhitelisted(), getAirVPNCountryBlacklist(), setAirVPNCountryBlacklist(), isAirVPNCountryBlacklisted()
- [ProMIND] Added methods isVPNLockEnabled(), setVPNLock()
- [ProMIND] Added methods getSystemApplicationLanguage(), setSystemApplicationLanguage()
- [ProMIND] Added methods areLocalNetworksExcluded(), setExcludeLocalNetwork()


- [ProMIND] Added method runOnUiActivity()
- [ProMIND] Added methods saveXmlDocumentToFile() and loadXmlFileToDocument() to write and read plain XML files
- [ProMIND] Added method setLocale()
- [ProMIND] RequestAirVPNDocument(): add custom bootstrap servers to the top of server list in case user has set them in settings
- [ProMIND] Added methods for IP convertion: IPToLong() and longToIP()




- [ProMIND] ensureRoutes(): default routing is now added in case user has not selected local network exclusion


- [ProMIND] onStatusChanged() now conforms to EddieEvent class
- [ProMIND] unbindService() does not change VPN status anymore (managed by VPNService)
- [ProMIND] start() now checks for network connection and, in case it is not available, activates a pending connection status to be resumed as soon as the network connection becomes available.
- [ProMIND] createProfileBundle(): add proper route to OpenVPN profile for local network exclusion


- [ProMIND] Class deleted. Event moved to EddieEvent.java


- [ProMIND] Added MSG_REVOKE property to notify client (VPNMaganer) in case of system revocation
- [ProMIND] Removed Status enumerator. The class now conforms to VPN.Status enumerator
- [ProMIND] Removed redundant members vpnStatus and vpnLastError as they are managed by VPN class


For Changelog of older versions, please consult the proper announcement or check directly GitLab.
Kind regards and datalove
AirVPN Staff

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That's great news .


Staff, maybe you should put ProMINDs changelog in a spoiler. He does a lot of work apparently .


As far as I can see, you won't be using the term "Network Lock" in Eddie Android, is that correct?

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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Eddie for Android 2.1 is a major refinement of version 2.0.1 and implements several features which were suggested by the community. It also underwent a deep re-engineering of some architectural components which translates into higher stability, correct co-existence with other VPN and non-VPN applications and in general improved events handling.


It is nice to know and see that community suggested features can make it into new releases. I, in particular, am very satisfied that the app is now aware of concurrent VPN use.


I have tested with OpenVPN for Android and Adguard and the OS correctly revokes from any already running VPN application the permission to operate the VPN connection. The developers had considered this for a future Eddie version since 2.0 and have now delivered with 2.1. Bravo. Well done!

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As far as I can see, you won't be using the term "Network Lock" in Eddie Android, is that correct?


Hello and thank you!


That's correct, since leaks prevention in desktop and mobile systems are deeply different. Using the same definition might cause confusion. In desktop systems you can modify the packet filtering table which provides a 100% effective leak prevention as long as some administrator modifies the filtering table itself.


In Android you don't have administrator access to the system so we can talk only about a best effort leaks prevention. The leaks prevention method by Eddie is not and can not be as effective and safe as the desktop "Network Lock" is. The method can prevent leaks after a first connection to some VPN has been established and a tunnel is created, while the desktop "Network Lock" can of course act even in absence of a tunnel, as it is a set of filtering rules.


Anyway, Eddie for Android features an exclusive traffic leaks prevention system, which is superior to anything seen so far in any other OpenVPN based application


Kind regards

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Anyway, Eddie for Android features an exclusive traffic leaks prevention system, which is superior to anything seen so far in any other OpenVPN based application

Really neat.

Any news for when Eddie App for iOS will be released?



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Anyway, Eddie for Android features an exclusive traffic leaks prevention system, which is superior to anything seen so far in any other OpenVPN based application

Really neat.

Any news for when Eddie App for iOS will be released?

Eddie for iOS isn't on the table at all, due to restrictions put in place by Apple. More information can be found in the guide in my signature.

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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