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IMDB.com being systematically blocked

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I have been a very happy airvpn customer for past 4 years or so, until the past few weeks. Several websites I frequent are becoming inaccessible through airvpn vpn portals. I have to disable the vpn and go naked to be able to use the sites. These have included amazon.com, wikipedia.org, and others.


The blocking is inconsistent, in that there are days when there are no difficulties reaching the sites at all, but other days when attempts to reach them time out.


IMDB.com seems to be the one that is most consistently getting blocked. Typically, I will be able to access imdb.com for few a minutes, but then, after I have clicked through to a few webpages linked within the site, further access will be blocked. In some cases, I can regain access if I change to a different airvpn server, but the same pattern will then play out of being blocked after trying to follow two or three links within the site. Usually, it will end up that I cannot reach the site with any of the airvpn services I try. This has occurred using Eddie on a desktop running Windows and on a laptop running macOS.


I am trying an alternative vpn service, and after a few hours of testing, I have not yet seen a similar problem with that service. Since my subscription with airvpn is ending soon, I will probably be switching because the value of the service is much lower if I can't access sites I want to visit while using it.


I did notice that this issue had been discussed in another thread. It is disheartening that that thread was locked, as the diagnosis offered does not seem to explain why this phenomenon occurs with airvpn servers but not with other vpn services.

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The imbd.com problem has been thoroughly discusses and it does not depend on us. If you have read the previous thread you now know the source of the problem. Currently the main problem is the block at authoritative DNS level, on top of other wrong settings of theirs (which anyway play their role as you can see from the failures reported by specialized services which are mentioned in the thread).


However, you also mention wikipedia.org etc., which we do not detect any problem with, at all. Have you experienced this block on some specific server? Does your system query VPN DNS or some third-party DNS? Note: we see that wikipedia.org does not allow some writing functions when you connect from VPN or Tor, but that's a general limitation which is not aimed specifically against AirVPN.


Kind regards

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I am trying an alternative vpn service, and after a few hours of testing, I have not yet seen a similar problem with that service.


It's funny that you compare the experiences of four years of AirVPN usage with four hours of xyzVPN usage and declaring AirVPN as the clearly inferior choice. As if they're comparable.

You will ultimately run into other issues there which will prompt you to change the VPN provider again, they might simply not be visible by testing the service for less than 24 hours.


Using a public VPN provider always has the risk of not being able to view certain things on the internet because people are capable of doing the craziest shit if they think themselves safe from being identified. To counter it, some refuse connections from anonymizers.

You can imagine many reasons why IMDb is not being resolved properly by AirDNS. But during the four years of your membership you surely must've noticed that AirVPN does not block anything except port 25, and that the experiences people have with blocked websites are practically always enforced by the services/websites they try to reach. If you want to counter my argument, provide at least one example of AirVPN deliberately blocking access to something.


It'd be sad to see you go, but your reasoning is a bit bizarre and impulsive.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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