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my new ip chains revised

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These are the best I can do for tor through tor. I have hostapd and dhcp server running. I have tor on server that I compiled from source and I have know problems with these. remember I have and for network I am using port 53 ssh in proto. I have tor over vpn and it works fine. remember that if you crash your network you are blocking your public subnet.

do not reload these on reboot for vpn wont start so save them and reload them after vpn is running. if your network crashes and you have a set up like mine reboot a couple times and systemctl restart

all your services for your onion. hostapd,dhcp,and tor. some onions may not work but that is probably do to the routing to every country in the world i'm working on a solution. Your on your own with that.

I don't really have an issue with the onion for I use it for research purposes. If you want to know more about tor over vpn and vpn over tor check out tag my ip is unknown



Another thing is I would use ssh port 22 because my wireshark sniffs ssh packets and there all encrypted. you need to have tor over vpn though to use this setting. look in proxy setting and it will tell you you can't use ssh with proxy. so turn of proxy restart vpn and then restart tor and you will be able to use ssh. isp will see tor nodes but they can't trace it back to you because you have the vpn ip.


So if you are using source and you have upgraded to, using TransListenAddress and DNSListenAddress is now obsolete. use TransPort and DNSPort for both. TransPort xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx first for ip and second for port. so the ip you have set up in the declaration in dhcp file with the port 9040 example. and for the DNSPort use something like the same ip with port 53 example DNSPort xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx. don't forget to separate the two with a colon. You will have to do a systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl restart tor.service. This is off topic but if you upgrade and you can't get tor to run. change the tor.service file to tor.service.txt and that should make tor run with the service file in init.d instead of systemd. do a systemctl status tor and look for the systemd link that it is using. If this does not work just rename the file back.

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