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Bitcoin warning: be careful!

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You can read about it here:








I think that it's not something to be afraid, all will be solved as it happened with ethereum before, but I would stay away from buying or selling bitcoins until all is cleared, and I think it could affect AirVPN clients and AirVPN itself in all this mess during the process, if for example someone joins paying with bitcoins.


As an example, an email from btcdirect.eu:


Come August 1st, a number of the bitcoin nodes will reject ‘non-segwit’ blocks. This might result in a chain split. Out of precaution we shall take the following measures and we have some recommendations for you as well.

Our measures*

  • From 25 to 31 July the payment options Sofortbanking and banktransfer will be disabled

  • From 29 July the buying of bitcoins will be temporarily disabled**

  • From 31 July the selling of bitcoins will be temporarily disabled**

* These dates may be subjected to changes. If any changes occur we will notify you in a timely manner.
** As soon as the situation is clear and the trading of bitcoins is once again safe we will re-enable this option again.


Our recommendations*

  • From 31 July until the situation is clear we recommend you don’t use bitcoin

  • We recommend to have the private keys to you bitcoins under your control. When you have bitcoins on an exchange then this exchange has the private keys to your bitcoins. You can withdraw your bitcoins from the exchange to a Blockchain.info or Ledger wallet for example.

  • There is a chance of increased volatility. Make sure that you don’t keep any funds in bitcoin that you cannot afford to lose.

* These recommendations are based on the current information available to us

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Thanks for the info.  I have some coins in a Bitcoin Core wallet.  Going to do a wallet backup just incase.

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