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Likes:- Great speeds, easy for a not so techie older fart to use, loads of info around to learn from, good pricing even though I missed the Birthday offers 



Dislike:- My bottle neck Asus RT-AC66U_B1 router (Merlin FW) Dual 1Ghz CPUs that will only handle 20-30Mb download of a 100Mb cable no matter how much I fiddle with the settings...... although if I use Eddie on Win764bit or OpenVPN for Android I get nearly the full 100Mb depending on the server I use of course. 



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Many community members here build custom routers for this purpose. If this is really something you can't live with, the process is fairly easy.


Thanks zhang888

I've just had a very quick look on the web into a self build router and it looks a more economical way than shelling out for another "branded" router. 

I have built Windows PC's in the past so putting bits together isn't a problem but I have very little, well virtually no experience using Linux etc but I'm more than willing to give it a go.

I don't work so have the time to learn new stuff so just a few pointers in the right direction would be nice, not asking to be spoon fed 

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Many community members here build custom routers for this purpose. If this is really something you can't live with, the process is fairly easy.


Thanks zhang888

I've just had a very quick look on the web into a self build router and it looks a more economical way than shelling out for another "branded" router. 

I have built Windows PC's in the past so putting bits together isn't a problem but I have very little, well virtually no experience using Linux etc but I'm more than willing to give it a go.

I don't work so have the time to learn new stuff so just a few pointers in the right direction would be nice, not asking to be spoon fed 



I don't have much experience with linux either but the pfsense documentation was enough for me to install onto a self built router/gateway and the guide in this forum for getting pfsense running with a good, safe openvpn config was very helpful.

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