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Asus Asuswrt-Merlin 380.66_4

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I followed the guide here to load the config on my Asus RT-AC66U running Asuswrt-Merlin 380.66_4 : https://airvpn.org/asuswrt/


The guide is slightly different from the current version of Merlin but I think i was able to manage. However when I went to upload the file it hung for over 10 min. I restarted the router, regenerated a config and retried and it wen though this time. Does this configuration look correct? It connects but I am still having issues with port forwarding. 


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I hope you're prepared for about 10mbit/s max speed.


Port forwarding is done with iptables in the same way as dd-wrt or tomato.  Do not use the web GUI for port forwarding as that works from WAN to LAN, you need TUN to LAN.

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I hope you're prepared for about 10mbit/s max speed.


Port forwarding is done with iptables in the same way as dd-wrt or tomato.  Do not use the web GUI for port forwarding as that works from WAN to LAN, you need TUN to LAN.


Does the config look correct though? Is the speed limitation from the hardware or airvpn in general? 



I'll have to look into configuring iptables. 

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I hope you're prepared for about 10mbit/s max speed.


Port forwarding is done with iptables in the same way as dd-wrt or tomato.  Do not use the web GUI for port forwarding as that works from WAN to LAN, you need TUN to LAN.


Does the config look correct though? Is the speed limitation from the hardware or airvpn in general? 



I'll have to look into configuring iptables. 



if it connects and works then the config is correct.


The speed limitation is from the CPU of the router.

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I use merlin on my ac87u router, works great.  I'm not sure about using client 5, I always use client 1 as it uses the core not used by the system, so gives you more speed.  My max is only 5MB/s anyway, and I get that easily, core using maybe 50%.  As for port forwards, here is my firewall-start script in /jffs/scripts/ for torrent and plex for reference, adjust accordingly.  https://ptpb.pw/MoAG

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I use merlin on my ac87u router, works great.  I'm not sure about using client 5, I always use client 1 as it uses the core not used by the system, so gives you more speed.  My max is only 5MB/s anyway, and I get that easily, core using maybe 50%.  As for port forwards, here is my firewall-start script in /jffs/scripts/ for torrent and plex for reference, adjust accordingly.  https://ptpb.pw/MoAG


you use that script for firewall-start and not nat-start? Ive been going by this post for help:


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I figured it out. For anyone else out there I hope this helps:


Asus RT-AC66U running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware 380.66.4


Use the steps in this post to help you create enable and create the scripts on your router:



I creates a firewall-start script which is as follows:


logger "firewall" "Applying my custom rules"

iptables -I FORWARD -i tun12 -p tcp -d IP.IP.IP.IP --dport PPPPP -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD -i tun12 -p udp -d IP.IP.IP.IP --dport PPPPP -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i tun12 -p tcp --dport PPPPP -j DNAT --to-destination IP.IP.IP.IP
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i tun12 -p udp --dport PPPPP -j DNAT --to-destination IP.IP.IP.IP

Adjust the IP and PPPP to your liking. I use tun12 because my airvpn connection is setup in OpenVPN client 2.


Thanks for the help!

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I use merlin on my ac87u router, works great.  I'm not sure about using client 5, I always use client 1 as it uses the core not used by the system, so gives you more speed.  My max is only 5MB/s anyway, and I get that easily, core using maybe 50%.  As for port forwards, here is my firewall-start script in /jffs/scripts/ for torrent and plex for reference, adjust accordingly.  https://ptpb.pw/MoAG


you use that script for firewall-start and not nat-start? Ive been going by this post for help:



 I read somewhere ages ago about using firewall-start to put your iptables commands, and it's always worked so stuck with it.  No idea about nat-start, never used it.

Any reason you use client2 and not client1?

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I use merlin on my ac87u router, works great.  I'm not sure about using client 5, I always use client 1 as it uses the core not used by the system, so gives you more speed.  My max is only 5MB/s anyway, and I get that easily, core using maybe 50%.  As for port forwards, here is my firewall-start script in /jffs/scripts/ for torrent and plex for reference, adjust accordingly.  https://ptpb.pw/MoAG


you use that script for firewall-start and not nat-start? Ive been going by this post for help:



 I read somewhere ages ago about using firewall-start to put your iptables commands, and it's always worked so stuck with it.  No idea about nat-start, never used it.

Any reason you use client2 and not client1?


No reason other than I have a different openvpn connection on client 1

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