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dd-wrt, open vpn and rotating ip, possible?

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I am using a dd-wrt router and have open vpn setup and working.


Does a way exists to automatically and periodically update the entry ip from a specified pool?


Currently I must login to the router and I hope to automate this process.



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This won't exactly do what you are asking but it will go a long way towards it.  You could create a Cert for your router (your client area here) where you pick the country of your choice instead of one server.  For instance the USA (example only) and then every time you bring up the router it will select the best server at that time.  It may be that you rotate among the 3-5 servers closest to you, but at least the IP and servers are rotated occasionally.  Now you only need to re-power the router and the server selection will happen at that time.  Would this help at all?  Depending upon where you live for latency to server reasons, it can be a super help.  I use Netherlands and I connect to well over a dozen servers by letting Air's script select the best one when I log in.   Works for me.

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Thanks, thats exactly how I want it to work.


However, can you clarify a little.


My OpenVPN setup requires an IP in the setup area of the routers vpn, and so when I adjust that to different servers I get a different exit ip, so how are you specifying that to be one of a pool automatically.


I also read this post




Which shed a lot of light on the question, but not fully.

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Either you can type in several IP addresses or a name. You can't rotate with just one IP address!

The link in your post is for the desktop openvpn client where you can add a pool of IPs in your config file and openvpn will choose randomly.


Maybe that's an issue you can talk about on the dd-wrt's forums.

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