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Help Setting up VPNCheck Pro with AirVPN

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I am having a bit of difficulty setting up VPNCheck Pro to work with AirVPN so that if VPN drops out VPNCheck can shut down all internet traffic. Specifically I am having trouble in VPNCheck Pro Config>locate OpenVPN file name and config file, I have no config file. I'm actually unclear on the whole setup and would appreciate a guide on how to set the whole thing up just to make sure I am doing it right, or if you believe I would be better of using my firewall can you please explain how I can setup firewall with bitdefender 2012 and windows 7 to shut down all internet traffic when vpn drops out. Do I need a OpenVPN config file? Thanks to anyone who can help.

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I read something in your forums that you guys recommend the use of firewall rules over that of VPNCheck Pro, is this correct? Also you recommend the use of Commodo firewall for 64 bit windows 7 OS, but what about 32 bit, still recommend Commodo, and Commodo a complete antivirus/internet security/firewall suite thats all free? Where can I download?

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I am having a bit of difficulty setting up VPNCheck Pro to work with AirVPN so that if VPN drops out VPNCheck can shut down all internet traffic. Specifically I am having trouble in VPNCheck Pro Config>locate OpenVPN file name and config file, I have no config file. I'm actually unclear on the whole setup and would appreciate a guide on how to set the whole thing up just to make sure I am doing it right, or if you believe I would be better of using my firewall can you please explain how I can setup firewall with bitdefender 2012 and windows 7 to shut down all internet traffic when vpn drops out. Do I need a OpenVPN config file? Thanks to anyone who can help.


You can generate the files you need with our configuration generator (menu "Member Area"->"Access without our client"). You can generate as many configurations as you wish (you will need one configuration file for each server, if you switch amongst them, while the certificates and key are the same for each server).

However, the recommended solution to secure your connection against accidental drops is setting up firewall rules, please see here:


The above solutions are recommended because forceful kills of programs in case of VPN disconnection pose issues about data integrity as well as security issues: the time between disconnection detection and program forced kill may allow anyway packets leak outside the tunnel.

Kind regards

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I read something in your forums that you guys recommend the use of firewall rules over that of VPNCheck Pro, is this correct? Also you recommend the use of Commodo firewall for 64 bit windows 7 OS, but what about 32 bit, still recommend Commodo, and Commodo a complete antivirus/internet security/firewall suite thats all free? Where can I download?


Yes, Comodo is (unfortunately) the only choice for Windows 64-bit systems, with Outpost quickly recovering form previous leaks issues from older versions:


On 32-bit Windows system, there are good alternatives, but Comodo remains anyway the best firewall.

Various "free" (not open source) Comodo suites are available here:


Kind regards

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