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Unable to connect to any vpn server, Windows FW disabled

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I keep getting the same error, no matter what vpn server i try to connect to.


. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > TEST ROUTES: 1/1 succeeded len=0 ret=1 a=0 u/d=up
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=10 and dwForwardType=4
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=20 and dwForwardType=4
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > C:\Windows\system32\route.exe ADD MASK
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=20 and dwForwardType=4
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > Route addition via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - Starting Management Interface
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - OpenVPN > Initialization Sequence Completed
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - DNS leak protection with packet filtering enabled.
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - DNS of a network adapter forced (TAP-Windows Adapter V9, from automatic ( to
. 2017.04.01 07:05:31 - Flushing DNS
I 2017.04.01 07:05:37 - Checking route
E 2017.04.01 07:05:37 - curl: (7) Failed to connect to alya_exit.airservers.org port 89: Bad access
. 2017.04.01 07:05:37 - Checking route (2° try)
E 2017.04.01 07:05:38 - curl: (7) Failed to connect to alya_exit.airservers.org port 89: Bad access
. 2017.04.01 07:05:38 - Checking route (3° try)
E 2017.04.01 07:05:40 - curl: (7) Failed to connect to alya_exit.airservers.org port 89: Bad access
E 2017.04.01 07:05:40 - Routing checking failed.
. 2017.04.01 07:05:40 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
! 2017.04.01 07:05:41 - Disconnecting
. 2017.04.01 07:05:41 - Management - Send 'signal SIGTERM'
. 2017.04.01 07:05:41 - OpenVpn Management > >INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info
. 2017.04.01 07:05:41 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: CMD 'signal SIGTERM'
. 2017.04.01 07:05:41 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM received, sending exit notification to peer
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - OpenVPN > C:\Windows\system32\route.exe DELETE MASK
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - OpenVPN > Route deletion via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - OpenVPN > C:\Windows\system32\route.exe DELETE MASK
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - OpenVPN > Route deletion via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - OpenVPN > C:\Windows\system32\route.exe DELETE MASK
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - OpenVPN > Route deletion via IPAPI succeeded [adaptive]
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - OpenVPN > Closing TUN/TAP interface
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - OpenVPN > SIGTERM[soft,exit-with-notification] received, process exiting
. 2017.04.01 07:05:46 - Connection terminated.
. 2017.04.01 07:05:47 - DNS of a network adapter restored to original settings (TAP-Windows Adapter V9, to automatic)
. 2017.04.01 07:05:47 - DNS leak protection with packet filtering disabled.


I connect from Verizon FiOS and use a Verizon router.  i disabled the windows firewall to no avail.
this is the first time something has not been able to connect in the 10 years i've used that router without setting anything up.  i use Cisco VPN for work on my work pc behind the same network.
do i have to configure anything to connect to any of the airvpn routers?

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actually, you're connecting just fine.  it's the route checking that's failing.


if you're using the network lock then you'll be safe to disable the route checking feature.  Then it should stay connected. 

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thanks for the reply.


the network lock is also not enabled.  i don't have any AV.  can't think of what else to check.


how can i get past this?



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what exactly does route checking do and who might want it enabled?


i didn't see anything specific to route checking in the settings, but i unchecked "check if tunnel works".  this seemed to have no effect though.

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