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Just Signed Up for 3 month but need DD-WRT

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Started a question before trial was cut (https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=2213&Itemid=142) and still need to resolve the Router connection.

Windows client working fine on all my PC's I've tested but need router configuration really.

My Router is:

Netgear WNDR3700

Firmware Version DD-WRT v24-sp2 (03/19/12) std - build 18777

I've chosen the following server:


## Air VPN | https://airvpn.org | OpenVPN Client Configuration

## Generated: Monday 7th of May 2012 07:45:28 PM



dev tun

proto udp

remote 443

So I'm assuming the OpenVPN Client Server IP/Name is port UDP 443

As far as I'm aware I have followed all the steps in the guide https://airvpn.org/ddwrt/

In the Status page in ddwrt that shows OpenVPN State/Status/Log page are all blank & no connection.

Where do I go from here as I'm not very knowledgeable with ddwrt or Linux.


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Check to see if the NVRAM usage is comfortably below the capacity on the Status_Router.asp page.


Otherwise, I don't know why it wouldn't work unless you DID do something wrong in dd-wrt.

Also, I don't know what your internet speed is supposed to be but take a look at this:


DD-WRT OpenVPN is pretty slow, maxing out at about 6Mbit/s. I got that same max speed when trying on my RT-N12 and refused to continue using it... (my bare connection is 15 Mbit/s)

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Same problem for me.

In my case I have an "old" fon2200 with DD-WRT but the configuration options are quite different from the one I found on the airvpn website. However, even if I configure the client, I have the same "clean log" without anything inside and I can't connect at all with my Wireless lan clients.

The version of my DD-WRT is DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/07/10) std (SVN revision 14896)...

Need help, definitely

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(hope this isn't a double post, if so apologies)

@aj3j3 --- AFAIK the 14xxx versions of DD-WRT don't have the 'advanced options' portion of the OVPN screen and must be configured w/startup script ... if possible see if you can find a recommended 16xxx version with openvpn to flash onto your router. they have the advanced options.

@psikey -- I've found the 18xxx versions to be flaky for me and reverted to a 16xxx version that works fine.

Note that in my experience DD-WRT doesn't always invoke OVPN when rebooted .. for some reason (usually a TLS issue) it sometimes doesn't start. If it didn't start; be sure you have enabled the telnet option in the router config, then telnet into the router (user name is root, not whatever you have for the GUI, pw the same as GUI) and run the command below just as it appears:

(sleep 30 && (ps | grep openvpn | grep -v grep || openvpn --config /tmp/openvpncl/openvpn.conf --route-up /tmp/openvpncl/route-up.sh --down /tmp/openvpncl/route-down.sh --daemon))&

This will check if OVPN is running and if not will restart it. If you then fail to start check why by while in telnet screen:

cd /var/log

cat openvpncl

A review of this will show why negotiations failed.

You can also look at the openvpn.conf file to see what if anything missing/wrong:

cd /tmp/openvpncl

cat openvpn.conf

Hope this helps .. Cheers

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@Zdrifter thanks for your quick reply.

Unfortunately the version of DD-WRT installed is the latest for Fon2200 And you are right, I have no advanced options.

I think that I will try to find a replacement router because I absolutely need to share the airVPN through wireless

Right now I just configured my pc and airvpn works like a charm!!

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@aj3j3 -- Am using a Cisco Linksys E2000 and having good success ... you might want to look here:


I got mine here quick and actually seems new for a very reasonable cost .... cheers

Wow thanks man!

I was just watching that router.. however I can't buy from U.S.

I'll try t find E2000 in Europe

Thanks a lot man!

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@Zdrifter thanks for your quick reply.

Unfortunately the version of DD-WRT installed is the latest for Fon2200 And you are right, I have no advanced options.

I think that I will try to find a replacement router because I absolutely need to share the airVPN through wireless

Right now I just configured my pc and airvpn works like a charm!!

There are newer DD-WRT builds for Fonera.

I wish I could permalink to them but here:


you will have to navigate through it yourself

others › eko › BrainSlayer-V24-preSP2 › 2012 › 03-19-12-r18777 › fonera

Since there seems to be only one build version, I can only assume that version includes OpenVPN... I should go dust off my Fonera and try it out sometime .

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There are newer DD-WRT builds for Fonera.

I wish I could permalink to them but here:


you will have to navigate through it yourself

others › eko › BrainSlayer-V24-preSP2 › 2012 › 03-19-12-r18777 › fonera

Since there seems to be only one build version, I can only assume that version includes OpenVPN... I should go dust off my Fonera and try it out sometime .


And how can you be sure that the realease you linked is for fon2200?

Eventually I can try it... with gargoyle updater is quite simple

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And how can you be sure that the realease you linked is for fon2200?

Eventually I can try it... with gargoyle updater is quite simple

I can't be sure anymore, it's been a while, but except for the wireless N model, they all have basically the same processor:


Even back during your revision's time, there was only one build for the Fonera:


(I found how to permalink! )

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By the end I take my risk and I installed the DD-WRT version that vcn64ultra linked yeserday.

The firmware is for FON2200 but I have a big issue... when I activate the WAN port of the FON (obviously for connecting it to the modem/router ADSL), the router stops working. I can't get login anymore and it is impossible to have access to the admin pages. I have to reset the FON and connect to it via ethernet... otherwise no chance to connect to it. Moreover, the FON doesn't provide Internet access at all.. I tried all WAN configuration (static IP or DHCP).

I think that the latest version of the firmware is simply buggy.

So I will try with an old one firmware from 2012... I hope to be more lucky. However, if I find the working version, I will update this topic even because newer version of DD-wrt for FON2200 have the advanced option for VPN

So, stay tuned

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According to this post:


The improved configuration page for OpenVPN was since revision 16994M, so what I would do is go back to that version or as close to that version as possible as a basis to see what works and doesn't work.

EDIT: Also for a sanity check, I'd try flashing the 14xxx build again to see if it isn't also broken now.

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FInally I have my FON2200 perfectly working as a VPN gateway with AirVPN

First of all, the version of DD-WRT firmware installed and working is this one: 12-09-11-r17990

You can find links to download the firmware here:


If you will use the Gargoyle software to upgrade your FON router firmware, please be sure to use the file "linux.bin".

The second step is to configure the access point. To do that, follow step by step the official AirVPN guide that you find here, except for the configurations of DNS... infact during the configuration of the DHCP server in the DD-WRT firmware, you will not find any field to fill with DNS address provided by airVPN... so, you only have to manually configure DNS on your PC. Obviously the configuration depends on the operating systems that you use.

I am absolutely happy now

Fell free to ask me any help if you need it

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DD-WRT OpenVPN is pretty slow, maxing out at about 6Mbit/s. I got that same max speed when trying on my RT-N12 and refused to continue using it... (my bare connection is 15 Mbit/s)

Is this true? My connection is 30mbps. I really don't want it limited to 6mbps...

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In my experience 6M is probably optimistic ... keep in mind what the router is doing in terms of encryption and the limited CPU the router has ... you could do better with a pfSense box running the client but of course this adds hardware and complexity ... like the man said 'speed costs, how fast ya wanna go?' ... Cheers

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aj3j3, what speeds do you get with that VPN gateway? And what speed is your actual internet connection in comparison?

I did a test few minutes ago.

The speed is about:

2 Mb/s over FON+AirVPN,

6,5 Mb/s over cable+AirVPN

7Mb/s over the cable w/o airVPN

Is absolutely normal that with FON you can't go fast... zdrifter is completely right. Everything depends on what are you purposes. To me Wifi+VPN is useful for website surfing with my wireless devices and 2Mb/s is enough.

In the future maybe I will upgrade FON with something better, but now I prefer to don't spend more money on this

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