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Checking Encryption

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Hi everyone, I'm completely ignorant of how encryption works, tried to see what it looks like in wire shark and had little success, i tried using both connections the Ethernet and the tap version 9 adapter, now when using the Tap connector wire shark showed what sites i was on, please understand this is probably me not knowing what I'm doing, trying to understand directions off you tube can be difficult sometimes, could there be an issue with the tunnel from end.

Thanks for any info.

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What OS and what browser? Since as far as I know, Wireshark is only available on Windows and Mac, I am presuming one of these. If you are on a Mac, I cannot really help you as I have never used any Mac.


And just to start with the most likely detail, the VPN cannot and does not make your browser behave any differently than it normally would. So if your browser is giving away details to any site that asks for it, the VPN is physically incapable of stopping this. There is a heavy learning curve to having privacy and security, but it is well worth the trouble. At times it will annoy the crap out of you, but you will learn.

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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What OS and what browser? Since as far as I know, Wireshark is only available on Windows and Mac, I am presuming one of these. If you are on a Mac, I cannot really help you as I have never used any Mac.


And just to start with the most likely detail, the VPN cannot and does not make your browser behave any differently than it normally would. So if your browser is giving away details to any site that asks for it, the VPN is physically incapable of stopping this. There is a heavy learning curve to having privacy and security, but it is well worth the trouble. At times it will annoy the crap out of you, but you will learn.

Thanks mate I'm using windows 7 and my browser is Firefox, I might go through my browser settings and see if i can change anything.

Thanks again.

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Since as far as I know, Wireshark is only available on Windows and Mac, I am presuming one of these.


Just for the records, Ethereal (later renamed into Wireshark) was born in Solaris and GNU/Linux in the late nineties. Only many years later it was ported to Windows and Mac operating systems.


Kind regards

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