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hello all


I have some trouble with airvpn on pfsense 2.3


I setup on esxi 6 pfsense and followed the instruction to route all my hosts trough airvpn the problem now is that all my hosts don't have an internet example windows server 2012 R2 shows that I have internet, but I can't open a single page

I used almighty PING to troubleshooting the problem and

I can ping the pfsense, but I can't ping the cable modem(I am not sure that I suppose to ping the cable modem)


I follow the the steps once again and I found something in "Step 4-b: Setting the AirVpn Gateway"


                                                     Gateways After Editing AirVPN_WAN
   System: Gateways

   | Gateways | 
| Name                | Interface      | Gateway                   | Monitor IP                | Description                    | Actions    |
|                     |                |                           |                           |                                |            |
| WAN_DHCP            | WAN            |               |               | Interface WAN_DHCP Gateway     |            |
| (default)           |                |                           |                           |                                | ✐ ☐ Ø π   |
| AirVPN_WAN          | AirVPN_WAN     |                           |                           | AirVPN_WAN                     |            |
|                     |                |                           |                           |                                | ✐ ☐ Ø π   |

in main WAN_DHCP (default) is under the AirVPN_WAN


Is that going to make a difference ??????



Thank you



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Hello i don't know if you already fix the issue (it could be also helpful for other people) but i struggled with same problem, my vpn is connected but there was no internet. You need to follow the instructions for pfsense + you need to change the default gateway to AirVPN_WAN for all your firewall rules (for AirVPN_LAN interface). it worked for me 


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I have the same problem and have not figure it out yet how to solve.

When i make a change in the outbounding them i get internet BUT it is using the WAN not the VPN.


When I setup based in the guide i can ping google, airvpn, anything. But nothing will open in the browser.


im using ESXI 6.0 using 2 NICs. one for WAN and one for LAN.

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