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Two new 1 Gbit/s servers available (CH)

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We're very glad to inform you that two new 1 Gbit/s servers located in Switzerland are available: Achernar and Sirrah.

The AirVPN client will show automatically the new servers, while if you use the OpenVPN client you can generate all the files to access them through our configuration/certificates/key generator (menu "Client Area"->"Config generator").

The servers accept connections on ports 53, 80, 443, 2018 UDP and TCP.

Just like every other Air server, Achernar and Sirrah support OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH.

As usual no traffic limits, no logs, no discrimination on protocols and hardened security against various attacks with separate entry and exit-IP addresses.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any information or issue.

Kind regards and datalove
AirVPN Team

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I'm really happy that AirVPN is expanding it's server count in Switzerland, now i think we should aim to have a server in Iceland. I used to have IVPN and i really enjoyed having Iceland as a server option and was a bit disappointed when i found out Air had not made any efforts to establish a server there. 

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Casting my vote with Agent Smith for Air to have servers in Iceland. By the way... Is it completely out of the question for Air to have servers in Russia? It's not like we AirVPN users don't already have a pretty good selection of countries to go through, but I love the thought of going through servers in Russia out of spite and in defiance of the NSA! ; )


My thanks to Air for the new servers added to the stable.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. —George Orwell

The further society drifts from truth the more it hates those who speak it. —George Orwell

A lie is as good as the truth when everyone believes.

No one ever lost a dime underestimating the intelligence of the amerikan public. {Generally attributed to H.L. Mencken}

THANK YOU: Russia Today; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange; John Kiriakou; Thomas Drake; William Binney; Ray McGovern; Kirk Wiebe; Matt Taibbi; Sputnik News

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Casting my vote with Agent Smith for Air to have servers in Iceland. By the way... Is it completely out of the question for Air to have servers in Russia? It's not like we AirVPN users don't already have a pretty selection of countries to go through, but I love the thought of going through servers in Russia out of spite and in defiance of the NSA! ; )


My thanks to Air for the new servers added to the stable.



I do wish it were possible, but sadly it is not and probably never will be. Russia has enacted several blocks and monitoring programs of its own which are quite substantial. Although it would still be the finger to the NSA, Russia as a exit country would be trading one mass surveillance program for another, albeit less dangerous to citizens outside of Russia.


AirVPN is obligated to hold to their mission statement regardless of the circumstances, so Russia is simply out of the question unless major changes occur. I hope that if (more like when) the UK implements its blocks alongside the implications of the snoopers charter that if the circumstances are severe enough, they pull out of the UK and reinvest in mainland Europe while retaining a routing server in the UK for streaming. The Netherlands and Belgium are just across the English channel, and i believe that a little latency and a little distance can go a long way for making British users much safer on the web. They should consider themselves lucky they don't have to hop the Atlantic ocean to find a country with decent privacy legislation ( No, Canada does not count). 

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UK Peering to northern Europe seems excellent so if the worst happens I don't think there would be much of a performance hit. From a UK server I often see better ping times to Air's servers in NL/BE than the ones in UK Maidenhead/Manchester!

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They were really awesome at first.

But now I feel like the new Swiss servers are almost useless.


The connection always times out after a while and I get disconnected.


I think this started to happen only after the servers had 100% packet loss for a few hours or days. Must have been a week ago or so.


Anyone else having these issues?

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They were really awesome at first.

But now I feel like the new Swiss servers are almost useless.


Anyone else having these issues?


I agree with you,the new servers in Switserland are not stabel yet.

For my purposes they have  packet loss to many times .Also the new ones have this at the same time (?).

I think it needs some time ,to take out the problems.

Btw the austria server performs oke 



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The new and old servers are perfectly stable but they were flooded recently. Nothing serious, though. No significant packet loss is detected, please compare your findings with the "Ping Matrix" to verify that the problem is on your side, as also hinted by the fact that you experience same issue at the same time with different datacenters.


Kind regards

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