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Eddie Autostart takes too long

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i use Eddie in latest 2.11.7 Version, but it boots really slow. After desktop is showing up it takes another 40(!!) seconds till Eddie starts and another 30 seconds till connected to a server.


I use Core I5 / 16 GB / WIN 8.1 / SSD


Why takes it this long till Eddie is booting? Ist it normal? It`s the only programm to boot after Eset Antivirus.

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I also uninstalled ESET temporarily, but it takes the same time for eddie to boot.  


How long have you to wait as soon as you see your desktop until 1. Eddie starts and 2. its connected to a server ?

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1 - Did you install everything on your SSD or does your system have a spare HDD?

2 - Have you made sure your SSD has at least 20% free space? If not, it can mess with the TRIM functions, which serve to maintain your hardware.

3 - Have you made sure there's really not a lot of start-up programs? Some programs aren't so obvious with their startups.


With that amount of RAM, you could also make a RAMDisk

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1 - Win + all software on ssd

2 - Yes. 34gb free, 111 gb total

3 - Of course, for testing purpose i also disabled everything but Eddie (Skype / Outlook / Eset), but no faster boot for Eddie.


So i think its NORMAL ? Maybe it has something to do with Network lock  ?


Please tell me your times from seeing you desktop until Eddie boots, here its 35 to 40 Seconds. And after Eddie has schown up another 30 seconds till connected to a server.

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If it has something to do with NL, how about you try things out with NL disabled?


I'm on Linux, so it's pretty fast. I see my desktop at the same time Eddie boots lol. Though I have to type in my password . Takes arounddddddddddddd 5-10 seconds or so for me to connect. Maybe less. We're spoiled in Linux land, why don't you come join us on vacation sometime, haha?

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Wow, thats fast... but i need Windows and also activated network lock.


Please somebody post Eddie windows-boot-time

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It would be pretty meaningless for someone else to post their boot time. If I have a 8 core processor, an SSD and 24 gigs of ram, and you have a dual core processor, a 4800rpm HDD and 8 gigs of ram, we are going to have vastly different boot times in general (with windows). There are also like a million other factors. Some are: how many other programs are starting on boot, whether you have an antivirus installed, whether you have permitted Windows via msconfig to actually use your multicores on boot up, etc.

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