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Meanwhile in America after Trump

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@Ricnvolved1956. Sorry to say the very first thing the Trumpublicans are going to do is repeal Affordable Care. Then comes Medicaid. Then they'll try to obliterate or privatize Medicare and Social Security making money for their business constituents like Pharma and Medical Devices and making insurance unaffordable to millions of poor and elderly. I'm sure LZ1 will take ten different positions on this simultaneously.

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FromtheWalls-- I agree with all you say in your post. But for the purpose of full disclosure in regards to my own self interest, I am sincerely and eternally grateful for one huge benefit of Obama being president. Namely, The Affordable Care Act. I will keep this as brief as possible, but the unfortunate fact is that I have a medical condition called Peutz Jeghers Syndrome and the only way I could get insurance in the past was through workplace coverage. However, I've been out of the workplace for 8 years and The Affordable Care Act has been literally a financial lifesaver. Without it, there is no way any health insurance company would issue me a policy, or certainly not one I could afford. The Affordable Care Act has been the object of nearly incessant abuse and criticism from the politically conservative right, a lot of it from ignorance but mostly because republican conservatives made it a political football and dog whistle. Since it became law there has been a torrent of demagoguery and screaming to completely do away with it. Why not just reform and improve it instead? At the time The ACA became law there were statistics that approximately 43 million to 45 million people in the U.S. were either severely underinsured or had no coverage at all. If The Affordable Care Act is abolished, what are people like me to do?


I'll conclude this with a demagogic gem from Rush Limbaugh during the time The ACA was prominent in the news. He was being his usual gasbag self and bellowed that Amerikans already had health coverage-- If you get sick and you don't have health insurance coverage, just go to the emergency room. I swear to you he said that. If I could have blown his head off with an AK-47 at that moment, I would've done it and worried about the consequences afterward. He could go to his local hospital emergency room and get treated. (I've also wondered if his health insurance policy covered his oxycontin detox program and his viagra when he went to The Dominican Republic for his sex tourist vacations. Anyway.... Rush?.... Save your money and ditch your healthcare coverage! If you get cancer.... just go to the emergency room! Lead by example, you f*cking moron!)


I am mostly a libertarian fella, and my general mantra is to get government out of everything and have as little power as possible. But I am well aware of how flawed the medical system is, and I have advocated a single-payer system - because there is heavy government interference and regulations anyway, and with what I consider subsidies to insurance companies on top of it - and I hate insurance companies. I don't know if single-payer would work, but it should be given a chance. I am very glad you have gotten help and hope it can continue. Trump said something about keeping parts of it so maybe there's hope. I feel that if the existence of a government is to be justified at all, it should at least take care of people that can't make it. So I diverge from the libertarian school of thought there but it's probably the only area I am more statist than they are - usually I am too anarchistic for them if our paths diverge   And  I absolutely despise Limbaugh and all these blowhard "conservative" talk radio types

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Collective stupidity in shameless display. This is what passes as governing in current day Amerika, and it's already become the daily norm. You really don't need a minimum of intelligence to be in congress; if anything, having reasonable intelligence would probably work against you. You just have to be cunning and clever enough to hoodwink just enough of the naive and gullible to get elected.


As I was reading this article, I could almost smell the fear from these clowns. They're clueless and terrified of being called out about it. "We're on this, people! Don't you worry! We'll get this straightened out in no time! We're IMPORTANT! You NEED us! Harrumph! Harrumph!"



During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. —George Orwell

The further society drifts from truth the more it hates those who speak it. —George Orwell

A lie is as good as the truth when everyone believes.

No one ever lost a dime underestimating the intelligence of the amerikan public. {Generally attributed to H.L. Mencken}

THANK YOU: Russia Today; Edward Snowden; Julian Assange; John Kiriakou; Thomas Drake; William Binney; Ray McGovern; Kirk Wiebe; Matt Taibbi; Sputnik News

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Trump is expected to appoint a conservative Republican as the new F.C.C. chairman, probably early next year. Republicans have wanted to do away with Net Neutrality rules and once they have a 3-2 majority on the F.C.C. they are expected to do so.

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Trump is expected to appoint a conservative Republican as the new F.C.C. chairman, probably early next year. Republicans have wanted to do away with Net Neutrality rules and once they have a 3-2 majority on the F.C.C. they are expected to do so.


Yeah, I read about this. Tom Wheeler is the best chairman they have had AFAIK - I fully expect things to reverse to the same old corruption now. People are complete morons on all aspects of FCC, though - there is so much wrong with it I hardly know where to begin. 

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House Republicans have gutted an independent ethics watchdog, putting it under their own control, in a secret ballot hours before the new Congress convened for the first time.

The unheralded vote severely weakens the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE), which was set up after a lobbying scandal in 2008 to investigate corruption allegations against members of Congress.



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Privacy Will Be More Necessary Than Ever Under President Trump 


He publicly admitted he wants to execute Snowden for treason, plus the whole national Muslim database thing.

I thought there already was a Muslim database. It's called Facebook

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The reality entertainment will really start after the Inorgyraishun - he does not have much real power yet to "do things", and his cabinet honchos are well drilled on what to say to the suckers to get the gig.

Americans will likely just get into more drugs - illegal uppers/outers/inners/downers from the street, off-the-shelf at the drugstore, behind-the-counter, special scripts from doctor tipoffs, herbal remedies, energy drinks, gym supplements, flavoring chemicals in the food, etc. Improves the reality entertainment show.

Get your kicks on Route 66. Apprentice for the AntiChrist. Tune in every week, and keep on clicking folks.

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I think it's certainly entertaining & interesting.

I look forward to seeing what's coming. It's also surprising that some things apparently changed so quickly, as you said.

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I think it is funny. But not in the way you likely suspect. I think homosexuals are Humans just like heterosexuals. And as such, I greatly approve of taking them out of stupid spotlights and stopping the retarded forced acknowledgement of them.


Yeah. I think it is really funny that it took an asshole like Trump to make us look at them the same way as everyone else.

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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I think it is funny. But not in the way you likely suspect. I think homosexuals are Humans just like heterosexuals. And as such, I greatly approve of taking them out of stupid spotlights and stopping the retarded forced acknowledgement of them.


Yeah. I think it is really funny that it took an asshole like Trump to make us look at them the same way as everyone else.

Haha. Did you like his speech?

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Good day for listening to streaming music and watching the tennis on TV.


Hahahahaha, what a horrific sight. I kind of wish I could un-view it. But thank you. Peace, love and prosperity I suppose?

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Twisted bs from a con artist.

Haha. Did you like his speech?

Agreed. Just like Obama.

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Agreed. Just like Obama.

Twisted bs from a con artist.

Haha. Did you like his speech?

Trump Obama. Obama gave twenty million people health insurance. Trump will make sure they're uninsured again.

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Trump Obama. Obama gave twenty million people health insurance. Trump will make sure they're uninsured again.

Agreed. Just like Obama.

Twisted bs from a con artist.

Haha. Did you like his speech?

He also dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. It was about the speech, not the actions and it's unfair to talk about what Obama has done vs Trump, as Trump hasn't started doing anything yet. Unless you count the TTIP/TTP kills and some of the manufacturing he (maybe?) already got back. They're both showmen .

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All politicians are showmen...leadership requires a good show.


The western liberal democracies are in a war with radical Islam. War means acts of violence between combatants. In the one day Trump has been president he's already dropped hundreds of bombs on Isis in Syria. But really problematically he's said he would deny China access to the islands they've built in the South China Sea. And the state run newspaper responded that doing so would result in war. I'm afraid Trump will start WW3 by playing chicken with China. He accepts no limits on his speech or behavior. It's perfectly clear from the campaign that Trump is a belligerent bully.

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What do you mean by "forced acknowledgement"? Who is forcing whom to acknowledge what?

Society has these stupid ideas that we are all homophobes unless we dedicate "holidays" to homosexuals. And then we all must approve of them in every aspect of our lives. You damned well know exactly what I meant. And if you truly do not, then count yourself blessed.


It is politically incorrect to say anything bad, even if true about anyone who is any gender preference other than heterosexual, just like saying anything bad about anyone who is not white.


I am not racist, nor sexist, nor a homophobe. But I am heterosexual. I see no need to acknowledge any gender preference that does not apply to me. And if that is politically incorrect, so be it.


And just because it clearly irritates you in particular to actually think a bit. What political party started this mess? Did republicans celebrate "gay pride" stuff? I think not. They had the good sense to leave it to the side and focus on things that actually matter. And that little detail irritates the hell out of the entire democratic party.


So before you accuse me of hating homosexuals as the party line requires you, kindly read what I said again. And have a nice day.

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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