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Returnil Open Quietzone

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I' ve been using using Returnil quiezone software for awhile,is it compatible with AirVPn ?



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Does Returnil have a homepage? I was trying to find some kind of documentation or at least a manual but there's nothing to look at.. are you sure you need this?


Anyway, I found paradoxical information:


With Quietzone switched ON your Internet activity becomes private. It is not visible to your ISP, any website or software that might be trying to track and record it, or any software that might try to examine your PC subsequently.


Returnil creates a virtual system on your machine that completely mirrors your actual setup. It is designed to take the risk out of exposing your machine to all manner of software, websites, downloads, or anything else that might have adverse effects on your machine or infect it with malware.


While one site claims it's a program that somehow hides your traffic from your ISP, Returnil seemed to code software which creates virtual disk drives and let you do things like in a sandbox.


On the question of compatibility, if it's sandbox software, I don't see why it shouldn't be compatible. You just lose all settings of Eddie if you changed them while being in this sandbox.


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Hello giganerd,

My Returnil's licence runs until january the 10th,after this it's time for a change.

You're right,I can't find their homepage anymore, "returnilsoftware.com" ?

It helped me everytime I needed to try on a new sofware or stuff like that,it acts like a sandbox,a great sofware I have used for many years.

I wonder if they will send me an email before my licence ends ?

Thank you for your informations,I will now rum Eddie on my PC because I love it.


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The domain returnilsoftware.com is available for registration, so you can register it and phish all the users,

even push them fake "updates" with backdoors.

If I were you I would uninstall this junk asap, you don't imagine what a security threat this is


Need a good Windows sandbox? Sandboxie is audited, reliable and free:


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